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sysex sur Live9 ?

  • 3 réponses
  • 4 participants
  • 402 vues
Sujet de la discussion sysex sur Live9 ?
Bonjour a tous,

quelqu'un sait si live 9 gère les Sysex maintenant ? (sans M4L)


A priori toujours pas, seulement le dump.


Is it possible with live to receive and send sysex data dumps? Not for parameter control but for dumping programs and or waveforms/wavetables to/from the synth from/to ableton. 
by "synth" i mean actual real physical MIDI synthesizer, not soft synth.
At the risk of over-explaining the request/question:
This would come in handy for users of MIDI synths/drum machines so you even if the program/patch isn't stored in RAM on the synth you can simply dump the program to ableton (to capture the program after editing it to your liking specifically for the song) then play it back out to the synth's midi in port to load the actual program to the synth from the sequencer. This is/was a fairly common feature of most DAWs before the dawn of VSTs. 
Would make for a very simple workflow when working with external synths. Just go to the beginning of the song, hit record in live, send the program via sysex dump from the synth, stop recording. Now when the track is played back provided MIDI is set up properly for that track to send back to the synth, the synth would receive the sysex dump from live. You could trigger program changes this way without having the program saved on the synth. I would be able to load my song at my home studio or my work studio with the same gear and not need to have all programs/patches synchronized at home and work.


[ Dernière édition du message le 11/03/2013 à 00:07:29 ]

Et comment on fait un dump sur live 10 ? J'ai essayé comme sur Logic mais je n'y arrive pas, il n'enregistre rien
Pour faire des dump Sysex dans Live 10 comme dans Live 9, il est nécessaire d’utiliser Max For Live qui est disponible dans Live 10 suite et de construire un patch Max.

Quelqu’un a déjà écrit un patch Max à cet effet. Il a initialement été conçu pour le Roland XP30, mais son créateur soutient qu’il peut fonctionner avec n’importe quel système MIDI.