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< Tous les avis Hpa Electronic A5000
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Hpa Electronic A5000
Hpa Electronic A5000
johnplayerson johnplayerson

« 2500 Va toroidal transformer, 180000uf capacitance, 3 stage Class H,  »

Publié le 16/04/15 à 18:34
Rapport qualité/prix : Excellent
Cible : Tout public
I have 13 Hpa amplifiers, that I use via the Cerwin Vega CV 5000 version. The transformer is 2500va and weighs in at 31 pounds alone. Very large transformer indeed. Not many an amplifier has 180000uf in capacitance. I use these amps for subwoofer duty.

The Hpa A5000 has also been sold via rebrands. Cerwin Vega CV 5000, B52 US 6000, American audio v5001. By my use, it is obvious some people intentionally post a bad review, as after 3 years of use, these amplifiers are rock solid. All these amplifiers are really HPA also,
and it is near impossible to find anyone with bad things to say about these amplifiers.

Attached is the image of my amplifier with the top off.

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