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Les plugins Zynaptic plantent Cubase 12 et votre OS !!

  • 1 réponse
  • 2 participants
  • 226 vues
Sujet de la discussion Les plugins Zynaptic plantent Cubase 12 et votre OS !!
Attention à tous les amateurs de plugins zynaptic. Très fort en marketing pour nous vendre très chèrement leurs plugins. Sauf que si vous téléchargez leurs versions de démonstration, elles plantent votre système. Depuis hier, pour avoir voulu installer une démo d'intensity, non seulement mon cubase pro 12 plante mais toutes mes licences ilocks ne fonctionnent plus malgré la réinstallation de Pace. 6 heures à essayer de régler le problème, sans succès. Pourtant je ne suis pas novice : 35 ans de métier, autant en connaissance informatique mais rien à faire plus de 1 000 plugins achetés et installés sans aucun problème, avant cette mésaventure . Service client merdique, leur seul argument c'est de me dire que télécharger une version de démonstration est à mes risques et périls. Qui sont ces guignols ? Peut-être d'excellent développeur mais des [insulte modérée]. Dégouté. Ils n'ont rien à faire dans l'univers des plugins conçus par des gens sérieux et professionnels. Je tiens à votre disposition les preuves de ce que je raconte. Honte à ces [insulte modérée]. Je suis très en colère !!
we are very sorry to hear you are running into trouble! We would love to help, but as I mentioned in our email communications going back to within 2 hours of your initial request (at 4 AM in the morning...) today, we have no reports of crashes in Cubase 12 on file, nor were we able to reproduce them here with the limited amount of information we have been able to piece together – thus we need some information from you to try and figure out what is happening.

Perhaps our emails went into your SPAM folder, but we have not received a response to our questions so far. It is not possible to help you trouble-shoot or provide a solution without some information.

We would need to know exact version numbers of your OS, your DAW, and the Zynaptiq plugin you were wanting to trial, the bit depth of these, and the installed version of the PACE drivers and iLok License Manager. Also, please double check that no third party software is interfering with regular operations, such as archival tools, download managers or antivirus apps; the built-in Windows stuff is fine.

For the record: none of our shipping trials is "at your own risk" as you claim, and we did not "tell" you that, either. We do have a public beta for INTENSITY, which is at your own risk, though, for obvious reasons, which is linked to in the email that contains download URLs. Finding issues is the whole point of a public beta. That said, it is clearly marked as such...and we have not received any reports of crashes like the one you describe there, either.

Again, we would love to help, but will need some level of cooperation to do so.

Best regards,
Denis at Zynaptiq