Gors bufixes qui ameliore la stabilite des DSP pour les deux machines.
Pour la MD il est maintenant possible de copier/coller les LFO
Citation : List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS 1.30 to 1.30B
- General -
Track Copy in extended now also copies the LFO.
If the LFO is set to affect a parameter on the same track it is remapped
as it is pasted.
If the LFO is set to affect a parameter of another track the destination
is kept but the LFO Depth is set to zero to avoid confusing results.
- Stability -
A few SPS-1UW user reported random DSP crashes. We have put extra
precausions in the DSP memory configuration for the master sample DSP,
to make all main UW CPU boards handle an extended heat range.
Je dois aussi avouer que l'option sampling a amene son lot de bugs et plantages... mais je fais confiance a Elektron, ils sont irreprochables et impressionnants pour ce qui est du developpement des OS de leur machines