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réactions à la news The Beathaven, nouvelle opportunité de carrière ?

  • 59 réponses
  • 26 participants
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Sujet de la discussion The Beathaven, nouvelle opportunité de carrière ?
The Beathaven est un nouveau site web qui a pour ambition d’offrir aux compositeurs et musiciens de nouvelles opportunités professionnelles.

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Citation de johnd_beathaven :
Beathaven offers royalties for great parts - that is revenue, pitching for placement - for revenue, we offer musicians the opportunity to place their own tracks on our site - for revenue. They retain their publishing. I don't know how more plain it can be made. There is no other service that makes these kind of offers with such accessibility and competency. We are trying to rectify the very industry practices that commenters here have expressed irritation with. Wouldn't it be wiser to explore the opportunities provided than ignore them and assume they are bogus?
john at beathaven

Okay, so starting from here:
I'm a producer, solo artist that have released almost 3 solos albums, eps and plenty of singles, and other here are great artists and arranger as well.
I have to "PAY" first, spend some time to record/track down fresh ideas that will be used by some amateur bands, but i will get rewarded or get paid "ONLY" if the band is okey and willing to collaborate with me or another.
I am sorry, but as said above: The Pay to play game don't work here.
I listened to a couple of tracks, and i had ideas (some songs needed drums, bass guitar and everything else) but when i saw that i would have to pay 4,30$ first, it kinda made me close the page and laugh.
I hope you'll find "professional musicians", be sure that your website won't work in France. I tell you.
The tracks at our site are by professional musicians (not amateurs) who are looking for good players to work with. Beathaven is an A&R cultivation system. Access to professional opportunities is valuable, that's why there's a fee. Anything that is valuable has a cost. If your parts are good, you will make revenue, you will be promoting your music worldwide and you will have new contacts to advance your career. Show us your ideas.
Hello johnd-bethaven,

Citation :
If your parts are good, you will make revenue, you will be promoting your music worldwide and you will have new contacts to advance your career.

Is it Xmas time yet ?
From what i've heard, nothing sounded professional...icon_facepalm.gif
Well I wish you a long and productive career. I hope you make great music, that is received gratefully and is enduring and transformative. I'm appreciative of all forums where they discuss helping artists. sincerely, john at the beathaven
The tracks at our site are by professional musicians (not amateurs) who are looking for good players to work with. Beathaven is an A&R cultivation system. Access to professional opportunities is valuable, that's why there's a fee. Anything that is valuable has a cost. If your parts are good, you will make revenue, you will be promoting your music worldwide and you will have new contacts to advance your career. Show us your ideas.

I can do better than that (mixing and music, and you can ear it on soundcloud), and i'm not for the moment a "professional". There is no opportunities, as you said, for people like me. And what if you give a real opportunitie? I think it's just impossible, because both you and me knows the issues of musical world nowadays.

So i just stop talking about that, because you could create this site, and i haven't any money to produce my first ep. In this case, i don't want to spend money for nothing else.

Ludovic, if you have more tracks like "Rivers Flow" and "Vague" contact: I'm sure they would like to discuss ways to distribute those (or other tracks) for you and broaden your reach. You will always retain your publishing and you'll make some new contacts. Just refer to this site. John, Beathaven
Et depuis quand des gens (qu'on ne connaît pas en plus) veut nous aider dans la musique sans nous trouer le c**!:non:

Ca pue le fric à plein nez!

Au premier abord en lisant l'article de Audiofanzine ça avait l'air bien sympa mais quand on regarde en profondeur! :oo: C'est du foutage de gueule! Comme à chaque fois! L'artiste n'a plus aucune considération... c'est fou! :fache:

Et msieur John de Bite heaven qui insite que patati patata les artistes... oui oui!

Fric fric fric!

C'est une impossibilité d'entrer en contact avec un type qui met ses compos sur youtube ou soundcloud parce qu'il a tellement peur d'être reconnu ou découvert qu'il utilise un pseudo :mdr: :mdr: :mdr:
Mais ça c'était autrefois... depuis Mister John est arrivé et il va s'occuper de vous !
Que ça vous plaise ou non, vous avez du talent et il va falloir que vous l'acceptiez, non mais !
P'tain, mais c'est quoi... c'est un million ? deux ? trois de branleurs qui te pondent une compo par jour et qui ne sont pas rémunérés. C'est scandaleux.
Le 21ème siècle est vraiment le siècle de l'injustice :((