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réactions à la news The Beathaven, nouvelle opportunité de carrière ?

  • 59 réponses
  • 26 participants
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Sujet de la discussion The Beathaven, nouvelle opportunité de carrière ?
The Beathaven est un nouveau site web qui a pour ambition d’offrir aux compositeurs et musiciens de nouvelles opportunités professionnelles.

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A la limite pourquoi pas, mais de façon gratuite à ce moment là ,voir le site se paye a hauteur des 4euros sur les premiers resultats et ensuite c'est pour le zicos,je dirais même que ce sont les types qui posent leurs compos pour avoir des idées a l'oeil qui devraient payer. En fait y'a même pas de debat à avoir ici,on devrait juste fermer le topic.

Facebook du Cercle d'Amy mon groupe de deux!

Et notre deezer : Le cercle d'Amy sur deezer

Citation :
que ce sont les types qui posent leurs compos pour avoir des idées a l'oeil qui devraient payer.

:non: Ah non, là tu vas trop loin, faudrait voir à rester à ta place, ça frise l'outrecuidance. On te fait l'insigne honneur de t'inviter à oser mettre ta patte sur des compos fabuleuses ( sisi, ça s'appelle '' des mélodistes ''.
Je t'explique : ce sont des gens qui sifflotent sous la douche et qui à chaque fois te pondent un tube. Mais c'est con parce que ces '' mélodistes '' n'ont jamais posé leurs pattes sur le moindre instrument de leur vie, ont une idée très novatrice du BPM et de la mesure et sont donc obligés de faire appel ( en justice ? ) à un arrangeur pour matérialiser et faire admirer ce génie qui ne demande qu'à s'épanouir.
Nan, ce n'est pas la même chose qu'un DJ ;)
Et tu voudrais les faire payer ? Rôô, t'es trop horrible emka
Hors sujet :
T'ain j'ai flippé en lisant ton début de réponse...

Facebook du Cercle d'Amy mon groupe de deux!

Et notre deezer : Le cercle d'Amy sur deezer

Guys, I've tried to tell you what we're doing at Beathaven. All the information about terms is available at the site. We are offering open session opportunities to users for an access fee. We will not apologize for offering our services for a fee. If you are any good, you will benefit from working with us. We have agreements plainly stated on our site that protect all musicians rights. There is no exploitation, no fraud or anything you have alleged. If you have all the contacts and distribution you need then we wish you well. If you are looking for places to grow your network, collaborate with other players around the world and advance your career, Beathaven is a great place to do so. John
Ok thank's john .

Facebook du Cercle d'Amy mon groupe de deux!

Et notre deezer : Le cercle d'Amy sur deezer

Je suis content de lire tous ces commentaires. Bien sûr, ils veulent se faire du fric, comme dans tout business c´est leur but. Et ça sent l´arnaque qui vise certainement les musiciens naifs.

C´est à cet emplacement que je devrais mettre une citation intelligente 

Citation de johnd_beathaven :
Guys, I've tried to tell you what we're doing at Beathaven. All the information about terms is available at the site. We are offering open session opportunities to users for an access fee. We will not apologize for offering our services for a fee. If you are any good, you will benefit from working with us. We have agreements plainly stated on our site that protect all musicians rights. There is no exploitation, no fraud or anything you have alleged. If you have all the contacts and distribution you need then we wish you well. If you are looking for places to grow your network, collaborate with other players around the world and advance your career, Beathaven is a great place to do so. John

So ok let's say it works, [random guy] pays for a backing track (listened to few of them and honestly few of them sounded professional) and rocks it out, you're amazed by his/her talent/creativity/sense-of-arrangement/musicianship.

Then what do you offer as music opportunities to build/develop one's career ?
Do you have any partnership with big companies/directors to send them composers/arrangers you choose?
Do you have long/short term contracts for the musicians you choose so that they'll be assured they're gonna work (say at least maybe 1 order a month from companies/directors) ?
Given some poorly recorded/pre-arranged tracks I've been listening to on the website, what guarantees that you won't keep ideas from people that are not gonna be chosen ?

To me this idea of paying to record on a backing track is really bad ; composers/arrangers that are struggling to get known and to get job opportunities already have quite a fair amount of material written and/or recorded, we don't want to pay so that some random people decide whether or not our track is suitable for commercial use, especially when the backing tracks we're provided are sometimes terrible ; what would be fair would be to send you guys our -protected- tracks, and if you choose them then you would get a percentage off the orders directors or companies that you have a partnership with do.

But as it is right now, I don't see how you can boost our career as there's no official partnership cited, there is just promises that we'll have better opportunities but nowhere it's written where these opportunities are coming from ; are you working with commercials ? with film directors ? with companies that need music for their advertisement ?
if so, who ? which ones ?

I don't think anyone sensed is ready to pay to be creative, when I do a job either I get paid for it, or I do it for free as a promotional stuff in order to get opportunities, but there's just no way I pay to work, especially when there's no assurance the time I spend will get me actual opportunities and when conditions are a bit obscur.

So you'll need to have names (directors/companies) associated to your website if you want us to believe it's serious, because we all know it, "professional opportunities" can mean everything or... nothing.

Waiting for your reply ;)

Putain, ya pas que des truffes en anglais sur AF :-D
Demon R
Citation de johnd_beathaven :
Well I wish you a long and productive career. I hope you make great music, that is received gratefully and is enduring and transformative. I'm appreciative of all forums where they discuss helping artists. sincerely, john at the beathaven

Thank you so much John! I have written and arranged thousand of songs on my own and for others, people paid me to compose songs and jingles, others asked me to "program the drums" for their songs and were quite satisfied and happy by the result and were willing to pay me much more.
Citation de demon :
Putain, ya pas que des truffes en anglais sur AF :-D

What do you mean?


"Si t'enregistres à Poudlard, avec l'ingé son Dumbledore, les lois physiques tu peux t'en foutre. Mais dans l'monde réel, les lois physiques, les mesures, le dBFS, tout ça existe bel et bien." youtou

[ Dernière édition du message le 05/03/2016 à 06:01:32 ]