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< Tous les avis Universal Audio UAD-2 Solo/Laptop
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Universal Audio UAD-2 Solo/Laptop
Universal Audio UAD-2 Solo/Laptop

Module/Carte de traitement à DSP de la marque Universal Audio appartenant à la série UAD-2

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Publié le 19/11/09 à 19:43
Rapport qualité/prix : Excellent
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Universal Audio UAD-2 Solo/Laptop is a device that allows your laptop to run plug-ins off of your computer.  This helps the processing of these plug-ins and the overall performance of your system is better because it is under less stress from plug-ins.  Think of it as a mini HD system where your plug-ins are no longer restricted by your computer.  It is a simple device that fits right into a jack on my Mac Book Pro.


Using the Universal Audio UAD-2 Solo/Laptop isn't hard at all.  I run this with a Mac Book Pro that has a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of RAM.  I run the plug-ins in Pro Tools LE 7.4 that runs with a Digi 002R audio interface.  With this device, I can run Universal Audio plug-ins a whole lot faster than I could without it and it also leaves room for my other plug-ins to run faster on my computer.  I haven't experienced any latency issues or any problems at all as it has only helped out the way that my system runs. 


There isn't too much involved with the installation process of the Universal Audio UAD-2 Solo/Laptop.  I simply followed the instructions that are in the manual, and probably could have figured it out on my own as the software is self explanatory.  It only took about five to ten minutes for me to have this installed and running with a few plug-ins.


I would absolutely recommend the Universal Audio UAD-2 Solo/Laptop for anyone mixing on a lap top.  It offers the high quality signal processing that Universal Audio is known for without all the processing power that would be taken up on your computer.  If you are looking to expand your plug-in collection but find that the more you run plug-ins on your machine, the slower it gets (which is going to be the case for most LE users), then the UAD-2 is the cure that you are looking for.  The price isn't too expensive, but also isn't cheap so keep this in mind.  All in all, I would definitely say the price is worth it as it helps my lap top run plug-ins exponentially better and is a whole lot cheaper than getting an HD system!