Sujet de la discussionPosté le 10/04/2003 à 14:06:12Spdif ftrouble with m-audio's audiophile 2496
I've posted the same problem to Steinberg and Tascam forum, but no actual answers yet.
I have my tascam in front of me, with my event TR8 monitors on the left & right for excellent mixing and mastering (I'm actually doing this while looking at a wide landscape)
My tascam is attached with usb to master pc and works more then well. Controlling with the us-428 makes everything soooo much easyer for the handling and mix/mastering. There is zero noise from the us-428 what makes it somewhat professional !
the other pc (who has an m-audio audiophile) is connected with the us-428 through spdif wires cq digital audio !
The audiophile software control panel mixer shows (confirms) that there is a
digital signal in the input spdif, aswel as in the output spdif.
This means that if I let audio play on the pc controlled by the us-428 and routed out via spdif out, I can monitor the signal on the other pc with m-audio and I can here the audio through the monitors wich are connected to the us-428.
Now if I let play some audio on the pc with m-audio, I see the signal go out, but I can't hear anything coming through the us-428
For confirmation on proper signal flow through the us-428, I then opend the us-428 software control panel, and checked the three led's on the first tab !
The led of the 'signal' is green - digital input is active
The led of the 'lock' is also green - digital in ready to record
But the led of the 'fmt' or format, is red, and occasinally blinks to green for a quarter of a second. So I guess the problem has to be with the format, or something related to that !
Please, if someone recognizes this problem, let me know, 'caus' I realy need to power up the processor by linking the two pc's.
It has been one day and two nights that I'm trying to figger out what the problem can be. Practically no food (some buiscits and milk) Now I'm beginning to think my setup will never work
I'm starting to get pretty weakend here !!!
I want to make music..., I'm dying to solve my problem !!!!!!!!!!
Excuse me for writing in English...
Merci beaucoup, beaucoup, beaucoup
Posteur·euse AFfranchi·e
Membre depuis 22 ans
2Posté le 10/04/2003 à 14:14:56
Le problème, ca serait pas que le format de tascam c'est t-dif et que c'est pas trop compatible avec le dépend des appareils, ca peut marcher des fois.
What about the sampling frequency ?
I don't know this hardware, but perhaps the TASCAM and the 2496 doesn't match.
Just look for the 2496 if your output is set to 44, 48 or 96Khz, and look on the tascam for wich frequency it has been setup.
I hope my theory could have helped you...