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DOD FX84 Milk Box
DOD FX84 Milk Box
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Publié le 22/02/10 à 05:05
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The DOD FX84 Milk Box is primarily a compression pedal, but also has what they call a frequency expander. The pedal has 1/4" connections for input and output, and is powered by either a nine volt battery or power supply. It can't be rack mounted in any way, as it is a foot pedal.


The configuration of the DOD FX84 Milk Box is overall very easy to understand. If you are new to compression pedals and are just looking to get into the game, this will be a good transition for you. It simply has parameters for level, compress, hi expander, and attack. The hi expander is something that isn't normally found with compression pedals, but is nice to have in addition. I've never had a need to look at the manual for the FX84, as it is easy enough to figure out how to use without one.


I can't say that the DOD FX84 Milk Box is my favorite compression pedals out there, but overall it does have a pretty good sound. I've used the pedal in tandem with a Gibson SG and a Vox AC 30, just for some light compression, and this definitely got the job done for just playing around with it to get a tighter tone. It is better for lead than for rhythm in my opinion, as it will give you a nice amount of sustain. It isn't as good for getting tight, rhythmic guitar tones as far as I'm concerned...


I've used and recorded with a lot of different compression pedals out there, and even though the DOD FX84 Milk Box isn't one of my favorites by a long shot, it still will get the job done. Compared with some of the other compression pedals on the market, the DOD FX84 Milk Box doesn't hold up very well. However, for pedals in this price range, this is a pretty good deal. Even though this pedal is no longer being man, it didn't get discontinued all too long ago, so locating one at a good price should be easy if you're interested in getting one...