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< Tous les avis db Audioware dB-D Dynamics Processor
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db Audioware dB-D Dynamics Processor
db Audioware dB-D Dynamics Processor
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Publié le 11/05/10 à 21:15
Rapport qualité/prix : Excellent
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The DB Audioware DB-D Dynamics Processor is a Direct X plug-in that is basically a compressor with a limiter built in as well. From what I can recall, installing this plug-in was fairly quick and easy. I would have remembered if there was a problem, as most of the time I don't ever have a problem with installing plug-ins. As far as the interface of the DB-D Dynamics Processor goes, it's fairly standard. It's got knobs for threshold, attack, ratio, decay, and knee, as well as sliders for gain control and a brick wall limiter. It also has buttons for sending and returning a side chain and for bypassing the plug as a whole and bypassing the compressor only. One of it's best features is that it has a graph to show your compression and your input and output levels. A manual isn't necessary, and I haven't seen one anyway.


When I ran the DB Audioware DB-D Dynamics Processor, I did so in Cubase SX 2.0 and 3. I ran it on a Hewlett Packard Pavilion dv8000 lap top that had a 3.0 Ghz processor and 2 GB of RAM. I no longer run this plug-in or this rig as I've been running Pro Tools LE now for four or five years and this isn't compatible with Pro Tools. It only comes as a Direct X plug-in. When I did run this plug-in though I didn't do so in excess, so I can't only speak to how well it ran when running only a few instances within a single session at a time, and I can't say that I ever had a problem doing so.


The DB Audioware DB-D Dynamics Processor overall isn't my favorite plug-in. I got the plug-in when I was running Cubase because it was and still is incredibly cheap. While it was okay at the time, plug-ins have come a long way in the last few years, making this plug-in look pretty bad. While it will do an okay job for demos or just to mess around with, I wouldn't use it on any serious project. It just doesn't have the proper clarity and transparency that I would want in a dynamics processor. Those who can get this plug-in will be limited since there isn't a VST or RTAS version that I'm aware of. Even if you do run Direct X plug-ins and are looking for a dirt cheap compressor/limiter, I'd still recommend looking elsewhere.