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PSP MasterComp 1.5.4

PSP présente la version 1.5.4 de son Master Comp qui apporte entre autres la compatibilité Mac Intel et la possibilité de faire du sidechaining.

Liste des ajouts :
  • Compa­ti­blité Mac Intel du fait de la version Univer­sal Binary
  • Side­chai­ning
  • Mode clas­sique avec relâ­che­ment de phase alterné
  • Barre de contrôle des presets permet­tant une édition plus rapide ainsi qu’une fonc­tion de compa­rai­son A/B
  • Plus de version Direct X
  • Compa­ti­bi­lité des sessions entre les Power PC et les Mac Intel avec la version Audio Unit
  • Correc­tion de la latence indiquée pour la compen­sa­tion avec la version RTAS
  • Divers bugs mineurs corri­gés

Bien entendu cette mise à jour est gratuite.
  • FabN 1991 posts au compteur
    Posté le 09/09/2014 à 08:58:41

    la version 1.8 vient de sortir.
    La newsletter, ci-après en VO:

    We proudly present new version of our flagship mastering compressor plug-in - PSP MasterComp v 1.8.0! 
    New features

    * PSP MasterComp now has a Channel Selector to allow processing of a selected channel only: Left, Right, Mid or Side.

    * New license file-based authorization system (simpler than ever!)
    * Meters now react to the On/Off switch

    * GUI is updated for a more eye friendly look.

    * Introduced or improved mouse wheel operation on plug-ins’ controls. 
    * Enlarged Pre/GR/Post switch mouse control area.

    * Peak LED shows the output peak in an Output or a Gain Reduction mode.

    * Improved reading of textual values in edit boxes. 
    * Shortened time edit boxes appear to 1s.

    * Updated all formats.

    * AAX and RTAS now utilise page tables for proper usage with control surfaces. 

    * Several stability issues where fixed.

    * Updated Text Edit Boxes to improve compatibility to various audio hosts.

    * Several minor fixes.

    This is a FREE upgrade for current users. 
    To get and authorize the PSP MasterComp v. 1.8.0 please:

    1) Log-in to your PSP account and expand PSP MasterComp details,

    2) Download the installer appropriate for your operating system and install the plug-in,

    3) Download your unique license using 'download license' link, unzip if necessary, and double click on it to authorize the plug-in.

    4) Restart your system. 
    Warm regards from raining Warsaw

    Antoni Ozynski & Mateusz Wozniak

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