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M32 Edit 3.1 Disponible

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Sujet de la discussion M32 Edit 3.1 Disponible
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M32 Edit 3.1 est dispo au téléchargement :
M32-EDIT 3.1 (2016-10-04)
- crash when editing scribble color and name concurrently
- mismatch of displaying DCA- and Mute Group assignments in channel
strip, after changing the status in offline mode
- typo "Sceenes" in Setup/Gui prefs
- automatic re-connect dialog on startup clipped with high screen
resolution "resize" settings
- DCA meters in main mixer view not working
- name editing/customization for fader bank buttons
- restore window width is not working on startup
- add a modifier key for adjusting EQ q-factor (=> CMD + tap-drag)
- app fails to populate the recorder tracklist properly, when more
than 44 tracks per folder
- writing scenes to disk removes the scene-notes
- FX5-8 insert status and assignment not properly populated
- snippet not updating the mixer safes in EDIT3.0 app
- no talkback buttons in main window
- mouse over FX values are indicated directly for rotary elements,
while faders require a change to display the value over it
- Autoselect only when clicking and moving a fader
- improved meter display ballistics for decaying or declining levels
- add small channel insert button on mixer overview page, replacing
the channel link icon, which is now indicated next to the fader track
- FX5-8 metering bug > fixed
- FX1-4 DualCombinator > page B inaccurate settings
- Send indicator for stereo subgroups on mixer overview page should
not have a separate pan slider
- current snippet flags for Mixer: "Config" and "Solo" are misleading,
rename to "Monitor" and "Talkback" respectively
- Setup/Mixer/Synchronization > typo 3rd bullet should be "AES50 B"
- Scene creation dialog issue fixed
- Solo/MC metering separated and new floating Main Meters utility created