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Attention, pas d'évolution possible

  • 1 réponse
  • 2 participants
  • 558 vues
Sujet de la discussion Attention, pas d'évolution possible
Voila ce que je viens de lire sur le forum Korg de la part d'un Product Manager de Korg USA :

Citation : Hi folks:

We have been well aware of this issue/request, and I have personally had many meetings with Korg Inc about this.

But the simple truth that I have learned is that the PadKONTROL cannot have a simple firmware update, as some other products can. The OS is burnt into the ROM that is part of the processor itself, and that is a surface mount part. So a change of this sort would require a new CPU part, which along with labor would be prohibitively expensive.

Note that this design enabled us to achieve the low price for the product.

So we are certainly looking at this feature and other requests/reactions we have had to the PadKONTROL when considering future models, but it is not a simple update, and basically can't be done for the current product.

Sorry for "bad news", but it doesn't negate the many fine features of the PadKONTROL. And while yelling at me and Korg will likely make you feel better (so go ahead), it isn't really necessary.

OK, I tried...



En gros, le Pad Kontrol actuel ne pourra pas évolué car il n'est pas possible de faire de mise à jour comme sur d'autres appareils. Le firmware est "gravé". Seul de nouveaux modèles permettront de faire évoluer le Pad Kontrol.
:shoot: alors ça, c'est bien la plus grosse connerie qu'ils pouvaient faire !

C'est dommage, j'avais une petite liste à leur proposer ! :argue: :clin:

par exemple :

