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< Tous les avis Paiste 2002 China 18''
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Paiste 2002 China 18''
Paiste 2002 China 18''

Cymbale Chinoise de la marque Paiste appartenant à la série 2002

sanjuro sanjuro
Publié le 29/11/09 à 23:43
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
As much as I love the Paiste 2002 line, I am not a big fan of their China cymbals.  These have the other admirable 2002 qualities such as durability or uniqueness. However, as chinas they don't sound great.  The alloy sounds similar to that of the Wuhan Chinas, and the dark orange brown color looks similar.  The production is obviously very different, but I consider the Wuhan Chinas to be better at a much lower price.  Some Chinas are worth the price, such as certain Zildjian K's or Sabian Paragons.  These 2002 Chinas are not worth the price, in my opinion.
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Much of the desirable chnese characteristics are personal preference.  I prefer Chinas that have a deep, gong like trashy explosiveness with a smooth attack and slow decay.  The 2002's have a very intense attack with a short decay.  They tend to be harsh and abrasive rather than smooth.  Some people may prefer this, but I do not.  Surprisingly, I do not find that this cymbal blends well with other 2002's.  It sound out of place regardless of context.

I don't mean to get too critical, as this is still a high quality in a professional line from a reputable brand.  I just think that there are many other options out there, such as the Wuhans, for a similar sound and lower price.  The larger 2002 Chinas are the better choice, as they have a deeper sound and more powerful decay.  The smaller ones can be irritating if overused.  High quality Chinas can be used frequently and in various contexts, but the 2002's really seem to be for specific effects only.

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I would only recommend this cymbal to someone if they played it extensively and was very happy with its sounds.  Otherwise, I would suggest spending less money and going with a Wuhan, or else dishing out a bit more and going with a Zildjian K or Sabian Paragon or HHX.