Step Filter V0.2 (22th August 2013)
a xox step filter sequencer that tend to simulate a very old analog step filter with a lot of characters (tube warms).
The sequencer is derived from the BIGSEQ plug in from Audiodamage; an Old school and Analog Step Filter with a lot of character (tube warm)
** Use this patch with a LONG SYNTH/PAD NOTE to create easily nice sounds!
** I advice you to add a limiter after this plug in as you can really go high in the filter parameters! becarefull with your ear
This tool proposes a simple user interface and efficient functions. This patch is nice & cpu friendly
Step Filter V0.3 (23th August 2013)
a xox step filter sequencer that tend to simulate a very old analog step filter with a lot of characters (tube warm, bit reduction, disto, etc...).
The sequencer is derived from the BIGSEQ plug in from Audiodamage; an Old school and Analog Step Filter with a lot of character (tube warm)
I also got inspired by the sample reduction (SRR) and bit reduction (BRR) effects from the Octatrack.
I tried to recreate an analog filter... be aware that you can really go high and deep in the filter parameters!
** Use this patch with a BASS note/FX /SYNTH/PAD NOTE to create easily nice sound sequence!
** I advice you to add a limiter after this plug in as you can really go high in the filter parameters!
This tool proposes a simple user interface and efficient functions. This patch is nice & cpu friendly
Main Functions
- You can change the FILTER AMOUNT for each steps
- You can RANDOMIZE the filter velocity and the steps sequence.
- You can choose among SEVERAL FILTERS (LP, HP, Notch, LowShelf, etc).
- PANIC function
- secret panel
- HACK mode (SRR and BRR Octatrack alike)
- You can create several sounds using several step filter (cpu friendly!)
- You can change the direction, playing forward or reverse
- You can select the speed for each row -> 1/16, 1/8, 1/32, etc.
- you can change the length of the sequence from 1 step to 16 steps.
- all the functions can be mapped on your favorite midi controller.