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Sujet Réduire le buzz du transformateur H3000

  • 4 réponses
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Sujet de la discussion Réduire le buzz du transformateur H3000
Bonjour à tous,

Est-ce que quelqu'un s'est lancé dans l'aventure pour réduire le buzz induit par le transformateur du H3000 ?

Voici par exemple quelques infos trouvées sur Gearslutz :
Citation :
All of them make buzzing, and this is not a buzzing of transformer itself - but top/bottom cover. So, your device is O, good news..
Try to remove both plates, to check, in fact the device become noiseless. Mine was installed into rack for year, with no covers. Any rubbers will not help, since this buzzing is result of overloaded transformer which is a bit weak to be loaded by 3000 circuit, and transformer become like a solenoid, triggering buzzing of both covers.

In result I have resolved this issue by own mod, with two toroidal transformers for digital (5V) and analogue (+/-15V), installed at L-bracket, aluminium, on lateral side, instead of native trafo. Also, I have added another fuse for new transformer (green socket) and ferrite coils at transformers leads, to supress any cross- parasitical affecting from all sides.


Result - dead silence forever, and noticeable improving of sound, in fact, this is traditional solution for all kinds of ADC/DAC - separate transformers for digital and analogue parts.

Mon rêve...

Vu également dans un autre post ces références :

Je n'ai pas ces compétences et suis preneur de toutes infos/contacts.
Citation :
First, need to look onto part of H3000 circuit, in part of PSU. There we can see usual design (non impulse type) of PSU to feed digital and analogue parts, So, native transformer distribute 7V-CT-7V AC for digital, and 15-CT-15V AC for analogue. According to circuit, we can calculate rough power of transformers we need - how says rectified DC voltages - 5.2A for digital, and 0.45A for analogue parts. So, like min ~55W and ~18W respectively.
In my case like 60W and 20W.

So, we need to replace native weak transformer with two separate transformers, for each part - digital and and analogue. There only toroidal transformers can be fitted into such humble volume, one over one. I`ve used custom wound transformers.

In my case I`ve used aluminium angle with suitable size, drilling few holes to fasten both transformers, fasten this bracket on lateral side of H3000, holes for new additional fuse socket (green part on pic).

After you`ve installed mechanical parts, you need to connect leads of both transformers, for mains, with two transformers now, and one - through other fuse except native fuse holder on rear panel.
I`ve used also big ferrite coils on mains leads, to supress parasitical noises, usual solution, optional though.

Other low voltage leads of both transformers need to be connected to molex connector on PCB, pins 2, 1(CT), 3, for 15V-CT-15V, repsectively to circuit. As for 7V-CT-7V leads - need to connect to Shottky bridge (CR1), on lateral side of chassis, and +7V DC from Shottky bridge to pin 5 of molex connector, two grey ground leads to pins 7-8.

In fact, not big deal for mid skill tech even, and going in accordance with circuit/service manual for H3000.

C'est une opération que j'ai réalisé pour le H3000 d'un client.
Le transfo faisait vibrer tout le coffret et le bruit lui était devenu insupportable.

Mais j'ai " upgradé " son H3000 d'une façon différente.
En remplaçant l'alimentation Digital 5V par une alim à découpage.
Et pour la partie Audio 2x15V par un transfo toroïdal.

Un peu de travail de tôlerie / perçage est nécessaire, mais rien d'insurmontable.
Ensuite suppression du régulateur et d'une résistance.

Résultat : plus aucune vibration / ronfle / buzz...etc...
" Silencieux comme une souris "
Et client ravi ! :-))

Merci du retour. Voilà qui est intéressant !
Ce n'est pas la bonne période pour moi, mais je garde cela bien en tête ;)
Bonjour Guy 4, quel serais vos tarifs pour un changement d'alim de H3000 D S/X ?