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Publié le 29/10/11 à 00:25
(contenu en anglais)
The Ibanez AFS Series AFS75T is a hollow body electric guitar that is both built well and quite affordable. I'm not sure where the guitar is being made, but it's not the United States. It's got two ACH humbucker pick ups and vibrato whammy bar. The neck is made from mahogany and has 'artcore' neck set-in and goes by the name Artcore as well.
The action on the Ibanez AFS Series AFS75T is quite good. It's easy to play up and down the neck, and although I've only played the guitar a few times, it felt good to play right from the start. The vibrato bar is awesome and easy to manipulate and won't bend the guitar out of tune. It should be easy to get a good sound from the guitar if you know how to play well, as the two pick ups should be more than enough to work with. Each pick up has it's own volume and tone knob and there's a three way pick up selector, with the third option being a combination of both pick ups.
I really like the overall sound of a Ibanez AFS Series AFS75T. While it's not going to match something like a Gibson ES335, it's in the same vein and meant to be that kind of style. Maybe I'm just a sucker for hollow body guitars, but it's really nice and open sounding while still having a nice amount of woody density. You can get a nice array of different sounds between the two pick ups, which should be more than enough for players to work with. It's also kind of loud when not plugged in, making it easy to noodle around with when you don't have an amp handy or just want to play it unplugged.
The Ibanez AFS Series AFS75T is a must see for anyone looking for a nice hollow body guitar at an even nicer price. I like this guitar more than Epiphone's version of the 335, but of course it doesn't match the classic Gibson version. Still, it's a nice substitute if you can't afford a bona fide 335 or other top end hollow body guitar. At less than $500 US dollars, the Ibanez AFS Series AFS75T is a great deal in the world of hollow body guitars!
The action on the Ibanez AFS Series AFS75T is quite good. It's easy to play up and down the neck, and although I've only played the guitar a few times, it felt good to play right from the start. The vibrato bar is awesome and easy to manipulate and won't bend the guitar out of tune. It should be easy to get a good sound from the guitar if you know how to play well, as the two pick ups should be more than enough to work with. Each pick up has it's own volume and tone knob and there's a three way pick up selector, with the third option being a combination of both pick ups.
I really like the overall sound of a Ibanez AFS Series AFS75T. While it's not going to match something like a Gibson ES335, it's in the same vein and meant to be that kind of style. Maybe I'm just a sucker for hollow body guitars, but it's really nice and open sounding while still having a nice amount of woody density. You can get a nice array of different sounds between the two pick ups, which should be more than enough for players to work with. It's also kind of loud when not plugged in, making it easy to noodle around with when you don't have an amp handy or just want to play it unplugged.
The Ibanez AFS Series AFS75T is a must see for anyone looking for a nice hollow body guitar at an even nicer price. I like this guitar more than Epiphone's version of the 335, but of course it doesn't match the classic Gibson version. Still, it's a nice substitute if you can't afford a bona fide 335 or other top end hollow body guitar. At less than $500 US dollars, the Ibanez AFS Series AFS75T is a great deal in the world of hollow body guitars!