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< Tous les avis Gibson SG Classic
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Gibson SG Classic
Gibson SG Classic

Guitare de forme SG de la marque Gibson appartenant à la série SG

applesforapples applesforapples
Publié le 22/09/08 à 23:43
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
US made SG's are where its at. Three pick up selections with two tone controls and two volume controls makes this guitar's tone very versatile. You can get that bright airy tone with the neck pick up or that low end bass rocking with the bridge pickup. The middle is not much of a preference though.


Hands glide down the neck like no tomorrow and since there is a cut-away, feel free to play with ease on any fret you desire. The neck is a bit fatter than it's vintage parent. So, you may question of you like strings to be a bit further apart for whatever reason before you purchase this. It's light weight which makes the rockers happy because they can jump around with it with out it weighing you down.

Some people prefer to get new pickups as opposed to the standard but it all depends on what type of amp you want to play through. Pairing with a vintage Marshall will give you a classic yet clean sound.


SG's are great for Rock, Alternative, Blues and Country. Again, I think Gibson itself always pairs well with Marshall but if you're looking for something different, maybe try a vintage Orange or Matchless.

I like the blues driver pedal for the extra dirt. It seems to always pair well with Gibson guitars. I've used my Phase 90 with it. Not very impressive but my ear has changed since.


My first SG was purchased in 99. I absolutely loved it! Light weight, easy to play and what we all like most it's affordable. It's simply a classic. Jimmy P, Angus Y, Jim Adkins I'm sure would all be in agreement with that! PS If you need the last names associated with those players, maybe you should study a little bit more.

Later on I purchased a 70's SG which I have since fallen in deep love with. SG's are a little like women, they are sexier with age.