DIGI 002 R et macbook : problème de ventilo,
- 10 réponses
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dr mabourse
Je possède depuis peu une digi 002 rack, installé sur un macbook ( core 2 duo 2 ghz, 4 go ram, mac os 10.5.4). Un dd externe est chainé sur la digi.
Je remarqué la chose suivante, qui commence à me gêner. Lorsque je lance une application nécessitant le digi core audio, le ventilateur du macbook, se met violemment en route (jusqu'à 6000 rpm :shock: ). J'ai essayé de lancer les mêmes applications en coupant la digi. Dans ce cas, pas de problème. L'appli. se lance même beaucoup plus vite.
Quelqu'un a t il déjà constaté cela ? Est ce un problème au niveau du macbook ?
Merci pour vos réponses 8)
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g remarqué que le macbookpro que g chauffe pas mal . et que parfois, ya un truc qui tourne de temps en temps plus vite ....c tout ....mé g pas le mm mac que toi ...
dr mabourse
As tu essayé de brancher ton dd directement sur le MBP.. sans passer via la digi ??
Ce problème est peut être du au dd chainé sur la digi (accès digi + dd = bcp d accès fw sur le même port..).
Si ton dd possède une interface FW800, essaye ce branchement peut être que cela se passera mieux..
Black Label
Black Label
Black Label
Sur mon G5 c'est comme ça aussi, c'est la même controlleur.
Mabourse :> ça te le fait sans le HD aussi ?
dr mabourse
Alors ce n'est pas lié au chainage, j'avais déjà essayé de faire sans le dd. Quelqu'un sur autre forum m'a répondu cela :
Citation : Comme je comptais aussi passer à Leopard avant la fin de l'été, je me suis rencardé un peu sur la compatibilité du Core Audio avec ce dernier (j'aurai besoin d'utiliser Nuendo 4 avec une 003r), et visiblement, c'est pas la joie... Je cite le support technique Digidesign:
I apologize in advance for the problems you're having. Leopard has introduced some problems with Core Audio that will take some serious engineering time to fully resolve - unfortunately that means we'll have to work with what we've got for the time being.
Hopefully I can get things to the point that it will be less painful for you.
First, try trashing the following:
DAE Prefs
This will 'reset' any Core Audio connections to Digi hardware and may resolve some of these issues.
When using Core Audio, always launch Core Audio Manager first and make sure it shows connected before launching the application you want to use it. Sometimes it will not auto-launch due to initialization times (the hardware takes longer to initialize than Core Audio wants to wait, so it reverts to other available Core Audio hardware). There is also an issue with how Core Audio connects to the hardware under Leopard, which is why we have to rewrite the Core Audio code for it to work properly under Leopard.
There is also a known issue with Quicktime and any application that uses Quicktime, like iTunes, etc. where audio will not play properly until you toggle between 'Built-In' and Digi HW in the Sound control panel. This also will be fixed with the Core Audio update.
One other alternative that many have used to work around this is to cable the Mac audio outputs to the 'Alt Mon' in on the 002/003 to monitor through those devices, or into an open input on almost any Digi HW that doesn't have a separate monitor path (HD, for instance) to monitor while Pro Tools is open.
We understand this is painful to deal with and want to assure you we will get Core Audio back in action as soon as possible, however I want to be realistic about the time frame - as I said there will be significant engineering time involved and we're also investigating adding some new capabilities - no promises, mind you, but we want to make the next version a 'step up' if at all possible.
If you continue to have problems and have tried all the standard troubleshooting, please provide me with as much information about your system as possible - OS version, how everything is connected, version of QT/Safari/iTunes, etc. and how you're using Core Audio - for example, are you quitting Pro Tools and immediately launching the Core Audio app, does launching Core Audio Manager show 'Connected', but you're not getting output and so forth.
Please also let me know which drivers you have installed in your HAL folder located at MacHD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL and what their version numbers are.
Users with any of the Mbox series, other than the original Mbox, should not see these issues, as they use a 'native' Core Audio driver model - which we're going to try to move to for all Digi devices with the next update to Core Audio.
Donc c'est peut-être aussi lié, Leopard ayant en plus une gestion différente du Firewire...
j'ai mailé digidesign, mais pas de réponse ... Cette histoire m'énerve.
J'espère que ca ne va pas altérer le fonctionner général du macbook (le fait que le ventilo tourne trop)
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