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Mackie Onyx Satellite
Mackie Onyx Satellite

Interface audio FireWire de la marque Mackie appartenant à la série Onyx

Fonctionne pas sur windows 7

  • 10 réponses
  • 5 participants
  • 5 143 vues
Sujet de la discussion Fonctionne pas sur windows 7
Cette interface ne marche pas sur windows 7 beta... Esperons que ca va pas prendre 3 ans avant que mackie sorte les drivers!!
Mais je crois que c'est un problème de carte firewire et non pas de l'interface!
Microsoft devrait prendre modèle sur apple, pas besoin de driver sur mac osx, la satellite est reconnue nativement... Tu branches et ça marche, c'est pas du plug and pray comme sous windows :(((
En tous cas, je te trouve bien imprudent de vouloir faire de la zique sur un OS en beta !
Effectivement, (je trouves même imprudent d'essayer de faire de la musique sur windows vista si tu veux mon avis) cependant, windows 7 est beaucoup plus stable que vista. cependant, comme c'est un beta, mon système principale c'est xp! :P
Et ben bonne nouvelle ! Sur la version RTM elle marche!
Par conter il faut installer les driver de Vista manuellement.
J'en profite pour placer que Cubase et Reason aussi.

Au niveau performance :
Cubase + Reason en Rewire avec  1 piste stéréo, 1 mono, et 2 MIDI utilisant des son REASON
--> 900Mo de RAM utilisé.

Tout est fluide et pas de plantage.
j'ai exactement le même pb que toi, et même en téléchargeant la MAJ des drivers, ça ne fonctionne pas...
j'avoue être dans une impasse...
Sur le forum de machie, il y a un gars qui explique comment faire sur 7...

voici ce que le forum dit... (je te laisse la joie de traduire!)

Citation de forum mackie :
This information may be of assistance, since it primarily relates to getting Onyx Satellites, or any firewire audio adapters to work successfully in Windows 7. it may be useful for Vista users as well.

Windows 7 seems to include at least three different FireWire drivers, and maybe Vista could have as well. I've uninstalled Vista since last November and have only ran Windows 7 64-bit RC candidates, because it is the best version of Windows to date, in my humble opinion.

To make firewire devices run under Windows 7 (and maybe Vista as well), you just have to change from the incompatible default driver to the compatible one.

- Go to Device Manager > FireWire Contoller (IEEE 1394 Bus Host Controllers).

- Choose Driver > Update Driver Software

- A list should display that shows three entries:

OHCI-compliant 1394 Host controller
OHCI-compliant 1394 Host controller (legacy)
OHCI-compliant Texas Instruments 1394-Host controller

- From these three, select:

OHCI-compliant 1394 Host controller (legacy)

- Install the latest driver set (version 1.1.1 - April, 2009 release)

If the list does not display, navigate within the "Update Driver Software" to locate the "Browse For Driver Software On Your Computer", and choose "Let Me Pick From A List Of Device Drivers On My Computer". The three choices will be displayed via this process as well.

- Before installing the latest Onyx Satellite driver in Vista, I RIGHT-MOUSE clicked on the setup.exe executable file, and selected RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR, as both Vista and Windows 7 software installations can be made more hassle-free by doing so, no matter how the UAC is configured.

It also was of benefit to read the v1.1.1 Release Notes PDF file provided in the zipped driver package from Mackie's website.

NOTE: At times, after prolonged use, the firewire LED light on the ONYX Satellite would shut off, accompanied by a very annoying continuous tone coming thru the monitors and / or headphones, but oddly enough, after turning down the volume, and waiting a few moments, the sound would stop, and the firewire LED would light up again, verifying a viable firewire connection between the computer and the Satellite, and I was always able to continue working!!!!

As an experiment, I removed the latest ASIO4ALL 2.9 software version I was using to allow me to use my onboard 32-bit, 192k-compatible HD audio adapter when I wanted to setup my laptop quickly without using the Satellite, along with the drivers I installed to use my M-Audio Firewire Solo (to be able to use Pro Tools).

Since I've done this, leaving only the Satellite as the audio device choice available in my software (Sonar 8, Propellerhead's Record and Reason, Ableton LIVE 8.04, ACID Pro 7, WaveLab 6, Spectrasonics' Stylus RMX, Trilogy and Omnisphere, NI's Guitar Rig 3, Waves, Melodyne, iZotope, RND, T-RackS, and other VST plugins), the disconnection followed by the annoying, loud tone has yet to happen again. It has been three days of multiple, intensive, continuous hours of usage thus far, without incident.

Hopefully, this rather long-winded message will serve a useful purpose to a fellow Onyx Satellite user experiencing problems.

Bonne chance... pour moi, ca a marché!
c'est con pour moi qui comprend rien en anglais...

Un "copié/collé" dans le traducteur de Google te permettra de comprendre bien plus que les grandes lignes

c'est ce que j'ai fait mais c'est pas terrible, je galère trop, j'ai réussi à suivre la procédure mais maintenant, mon pc ne reconnait même plus la carte son... je desespère!!