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Carte firewire PCI compatibles ? cartes meres recentes compatibles ? chipsets ?

  • 11 réponses
  • 4 participants
  • 1 090 vues
Sujet de la discussion Carte firewire PCI compatibles ? cartes meres recentes compatibles ? chipsets ?

je viens de choper une firestation...( dernier firm, install des drivers m-lan 1.55 sur mlan central )

les emmerdes commencent :/

avec mon firewire d origine ( via OHCI ) rien a faire ...

je suis allé acheter une carte PCI chipset ALI : meme combat !

quelles cartes PCI utilisez vous ???

je suis aussi sur le point de me refaire une config

je voudrai etre sur de ne pas me planter en prennant une carte mere incompatible

je compte prendre un conroe EE6600 intel

quelle carte mere me conseillez vous pour une compatibilite parfaite

faut il que j evites les chipsets NVIDIA ?

merci pour vos reponses
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Voici un mail que j ai recu de presonus au sujet de la firestaiton

Citation :

The FireStation is a long-since discontinued and unsupported piece, I’m sorry about the problems you had. It is not unsupported because we don’t want to but because we can’t. There’s nothing that can be resolved about that unit. It worked back when we made it, under Windows XP SP1 and Apple OS 9.2. After 10.0, Apple took the mLAN A protocol out of the operating system. Yamaha discontinued mLAN A chipset hardware and software in 2003, causing the abrupt discontinuation of the piece. Yamaha currently doesn’t do much with mLAN or support it and mLAN A was never made to be SP2 compliant, meaning it won’t recognize under an updated Windows XP machine at all. So it’s out of commission on both computer platforms today, basically, and Yamaha doesn’t do anything with it. We never had any access to the code, only a limited distribution license back when the product was in production in 2002. So our hands are tied and there’s not much we can do. Therefore we pulled support on it. You mentioned that we should warn people not to buy the product, but that is exactly what we do! Virtually all the units that remained in stock back in mid 2003 were recalled from the dealers and they were given full credit for the units. We do not want any people selling them or buying them, as it’s a discontinued and unsupported product. We do not recommend that piece being used in an interface capacity, period. None of this is a secret. The units that are still in use out there are being used as preamps, headphone/monitor controllers, and ADAT to analog/analog to ADAT converters. They work good in that capacity because the hardware was made very well and they serve as a very good expansion to a more current interface product with ADAT capability.

ils vont d ailleurs mettre a jour leur site sur ma demande pour indiquer aux utilsateurs de ne plus acheter de firestaiton pour l utiliser en carte son
Firestation, c'est comme la roue de la fourtune. un coup ça marche parfaitement, un coup c'est la merde totale.

J'en ai fait les frais. Amen.

Je pense bien m'en débarasser au plus tôt.