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Problème windows 10

  • 4 réponses
  • 2 participants
  • 912 vues
Sujet de la discussion Problème windows 10
Salut à tous !

Pour faire court il m'est impossible d'installer mon octa-capture sur mon pc équipée de Windows 10.
Lorsque je lance le programme d'installation sur le CD fournis il me demande de connecter la carte sur un port USB et de la mettre en route, ce que je fais, et ensuite il ne se passe plus rien.
Il y a un message de Windows pour dire que la carte est configurée et prête à l'emploi mais le programme d'instal lui ne bouge pas et lorsque je vais dans le gestionnaire de périphériques, je vois la carte son mais il est indiqué "pilotes indisponible".... Par contre sur mon Mac la carte fonctionne nickel.

Une idée ? HELP ME :-D
sous window10 il n'y a pas de CD d'installation de driver, ne pas l'utiliser. C'est clairement indique:
Your computer automatically downloads the Windows(R) 10 driver from the Internet when a product requiring the driver is connected to the computer.

va voir la:
Lis bien tout. Ce que tu telecharges en bas n'est pas un driver, mais les indications d'installation.

To reinstall or update the driver, refer to "To reinstall."
Disconnect all USB devices except keyboard and mouse, and then start Windows.
Check that the computer is connected to the Internet.
On Windows, close the "Sound" settings screen of the Control Panel and all running applications.
Turn on the power of OCTA-CAPTURE and connect it to the computer using a USB cable.
The driver will be installed automatically.
After several minutes, click the start button and then click "All apps".
Open the Roland folder. If the "OCTA-CAPTURE" icon is displayed, the installation is completed.
Under normal conditions, the driver installation is completed in several minutes.It may take about 10 minutes depending on the Internet connectivity or if there are other drivers being installed for other devices.
A problem may have occurred if OCTA-CAPTURE is connected but cannot be used after waiting for 10 minutes.Refer to "Troubleshooting."

To reinstall
Delete the driver as described in "To uninstall."
When you uninstall, the settings of the Driver Settings dialog box will be initialized. For details on the setting items, refer to "About the items in the Settings dialog box."
Install the driver as described in "Installation."

To uninstall
Disconnect all USB devices except keyboard and mouse, and then start Windows.
Be sure to also remove the OCTA-CAPTURE's USB cable.
Exit all applications before you begin the uninstallation.
Please wait for about 10 seconds until these applications exit completely.
Right-click the start button and then click "Programs and Features".
In the list, choose "OCTA-CAPTURE Driver", and click "Uninstall/Change."
The driver is not installed if OCTA-CAPTURE Driver is not displayed in the list.You do not need to uninstall the driver.
If a dialog box regarding User Account Control appears, click [yes].
If you are asked to enter the password for an administrative account, sign in to Windows as a user whose Account Type is Administrator, and then perform the uninstallation.
The display will indicate "The installed OCTA-CAPTURE Driver will be uninstalled." and click the [ok].
When the message "Uninstallation was completed." is displayed, click [ok] to restart Windows.

"Le succès, c'est d'aller d’échec en échec sans perdre son enthousiasme"

[ Dernière édition du message le 05/09/2019 à 20:35:58 ]

Eh bah en effet j'ai pas du tout fait comme ça, un énorme merci ! :bravo:

J'essayerai ça demain
Je crois que le soucis ne vient pas de moi finalement, vu sur le site de Roland : "ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING DIFFICULTIES IN INSTALLING THE WINDOWS 10 DRIVER
Sep 6, 2019
Thank you sincerely for using Roland products.

As of September 5, 2019, we have verified that the Windows 10 driver cannot be installed correctly.
We are currently investigating the causes and working to restore correct functionality. Please wait a short while for downloads to resume.
We will continue to post the latest information on this page.

We apologize deeply for this tremendous inconvenience."
Je suis sous windows 10 (ayant change d'ordi il y a 3 mois j'ai tout reinstalle). Aucun probleme d'installation chez moi, comme sur des roulettes

"Le succès, c'est d'aller d’échec en échec sans perdre son enthousiasme"