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Emagic AMT8
Emagic AMT8

Interface MIDI de la marque Emagic

moosers moosers
Publié le 11/03/10 à 10:07
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Emagic AMT 8 is a simple eight channel MIDI I/O interface. It is USB based, so you're sending all eight channels of MIDI ins and outs to your computer. The unit simply has eight MIDI inputs and outputs and LED lights to help you decipher what is going through. I've used the AMT 8 with a number of different keyboards, but usually only use one or two of them at the same time. It is definitely nice to have the options, however. It is rack mountable and will take up only a single space.


Setting up and using the Emagic AMT 8 MIDI interface is an easy task. Simply make your MIDI connections, plug the USB port into your computer, and you're good to go. I've used the AMT 8 with a Pro Tools HD system and an Apple Quad Core computer, so there were no problems transmitting the signals from the computer. You can also just use the AMT 8 without a computer as a regular MIDI interface if you don't want or need it to be used with any software.


I can't really say that I have any complaints about the Emagic AMT 8 at all. It is a very simple MIDI interface, with plenty of connections and features to keep you busy and to get the job done. While there isn't anything bad about it, beyond its simple make up, there also isn't anything extraordinary. Having said this, I really wouldn't expect anything special from it, as it does what it is supposed to do and that is good enough for me. Emgaic has a few different models out there, including the Unitor 8, which also is a great MIDI interface. There are a number of nice MIDI interfaces out there, but those made by Emaigc seem to be superior because of their great build and versatility. The price isn't bad at all, so if you need an eight channel MIDI interface, I wouldn't hesitate to pick one of these up...