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Publié le 01/11/08 à 00:00
(contenu en anglais)

The features, besides the new Combi presets, are pretty much the same as on Sampletank 2. Not like those were bad, but a few adjustments could have been made.
Price paid: $320 USD
The great thing about IK's stuff is that it is so damn simple if you want it to be and really advanced if you want it be too. The best of both worlds I guess, but you can be up and running after just installing it...no manuals needed. Which is always very nice...
WOW....I really can't put into words the sounds this thing has. I was initially expecting just another Sampletank with a different soundbank...yeah, I was wrong. First, this thing comes with a slew of Combis like the ones found in Triton boards, that sound amazing from the get-go. All types of layered patches that just work with anything. Second, there's like 6 main categories of sounds and each one expands into multiple levels of banks and alternate categories until you're looking at so many freakin' categories that your head begins to hurt. Lastly, once you actually find a few to start playing with, you get lost in this alternate universe of disbelief because of how good these things sound...and there's something for everyone: leads, basses, percs, and strings for R&B and HipHop...there's motion pads, deep strings and far-out synth leads for Dance and Electro. The quality is definitely there.
The quality is there...the sounds speak for themselves. If your computers sucks...dont bother. My computers is built for making music and so I didn't cut any corners when I made it. I can have 3 or 4 running fully loaded out of all 8 stereo outputs at one time before my box starts to stutter. I'll never need that much, but I know I'm good if I do. Be careful too if you have a ton of plugins on your box, especially if they're all cracked...plugins this well made depend on a clean system with all system files in place. If your box has been tweaked, if you have files everywhere, if you use a cracked host program or your registry looks like a spiderweb of crap...don't be upset if this or any plugin crashes. Its your fault...you've been warned.
I've used this on a number of tracks..both personal and for clients. I'd recommend it to anyone searching for an all-in-one synth workstation solution...I think a demo is available...check it out if you need more reassurance. I personally love it like my left nut, but thats just me..
Originally posted on FutureProducers.com
Posted by: vito ( 7-, 2005)
Price paid: $320 USD
The great thing about IK's stuff is that it is so damn simple if you want it to be and really advanced if you want it be too. The best of both worlds I guess, but you can be up and running after just installing it...no manuals needed. Which is always very nice...
WOW....I really can't put into words the sounds this thing has. I was initially expecting just another Sampletank with a different soundbank...yeah, I was wrong. First, this thing comes with a slew of Combis like the ones found in Triton boards, that sound amazing from the get-go. All types of layered patches that just work with anything. Second, there's like 6 main categories of sounds and each one expands into multiple levels of banks and alternate categories until you're looking at so many freakin' categories that your head begins to hurt. Lastly, once you actually find a few to start playing with, you get lost in this alternate universe of disbelief because of how good these things sound...and there's something for everyone: leads, basses, percs, and strings for R&B and HipHop...there's motion pads, deep strings and far-out synth leads for Dance and Electro. The quality is definitely there.
The quality is there...the sounds speak for themselves. If your computers sucks...dont bother. My computers is built for making music and so I didn't cut any corners when I made it. I can have 3 or 4 running fully loaded out of all 8 stereo outputs at one time before my box starts to stutter. I'll never need that much, but I know I'm good if I do. Be careful too if you have a ton of plugins on your box, especially if they're all cracked...plugins this well made depend on a clean system with all system files in place. If your box has been tweaked, if you have files everywhere, if you use a cracked host program or your registry looks like a spiderweb of crap...don't be upset if this or any plugin crashes. Its your fault...you've been warned.
I've used this on a number of tracks..both personal and for clients. I'd recommend it to anyone searching for an all-in-one synth workstation solution...I think a demo is available...check it out if you need more reassurance. I personally love it like my left nut, but thats just me..
Originally posted on FutureProducers.com
Posted by: vito ( 7-, 2005)