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Native Instruments Traktor Pro 3
Native Instruments Traktor Pro 3

Logiciel DJ de la marque Native Instruments appartenant à la série Traktor

Prix public : 99 € TTC

Prochaine MAJ Traktor vers 3.4

  • 12 réponses
  • 3 participants
  • 1 714 vues
Sujet de la discussion Prochaine MAJ Traktor vers 3.4

Voilà les infos concernants la prochaine MAJ vers la v3.4

Added: Multiple Column Sorting * see note below
Added: Green Beta Styling(Icon, App Badge, Splash Screen, About Screen)
Fixed: Traktor is not forced to run in low resolution mode anymore ** see note below
Fixed: Traktor keyboard mapping stop working when editing cue name in advanced panel(could potentially fix other keyboard mapping issues)
Fixed: Random crash in Audio Engine

1er ajout, on peut trier 2 colonnes en même temps maxi.
Tu cliques sur la colonne BPM, ça te fait un tri, ensuite tu CMD (CTRL windows) + clique sur KEY, la colonne devient le second critère de tri.
2e ajout, le logo de l'app est vert maintenant. J'ose espérer que c'est uniquement pour la Beta, parce que c'est vraiment moche.

[ Dernière édition du message le 29/04/2020 à 14:27:29 ]

Et pour les plateaux motorisé ? Comme avec la rane twelve ? Toujours pas de nouveau ?
C'est pas à l'ordre du jour. Désolé.

aller je vous tiens informés des nouveautés à venir :

New in

Added: iTunes/Music Sorting Order Folders > Smart Playlists > Playlists(Natural Sorting)
Added: iTunes/Music Smart Playlists now have it's own Icon
Added: Traktor Playlist Tree Sorting Order Folders > Playlists(Natural Sorting)
Added: Better Minimum Column Width handling
Added: Improved BPM sorting in Browser list
Fixed: Track Search in 'All' should not search UUID
Fixed: Release Date is reading information from the wrong field NOT ONLY in AIFF's
Fixed: Release date: wrong read/write for ogg, flac and m4a
Fixed: Traktor deletes ID3 "Contentgroup" and "Composer"
Fixed: Import tracks from Music app became super slow
Fixed: Duplicate list from iTunes/Music show up in Root
Fixed: TRAKTOR always loads the same song when dragging from Finder to Deck
Fixed: Crash when importing tracks
Fixed: Search does not find correct tracks when searching in Collection
Fixed: When analysing a mp3 in Traktor, the ID tag field 'year' / 'date' gets duplicated
Fixed: Hiding column resizes the neighbouring column
Fixed: Certain Columns Resize after restart
Fixed: Search filter "All" does not search for BPMs

New in

Fixed: Import Previous Collection does not work anymore
Fixed: Traktor does not read/write lyrics for OGG, FLAC and MP4

New in

Fixed: Import Playlist/M3U broken
Fixed: Crash when writing tags to OGG file
Fixed: Standard tags are overwritten even with Only Write Custom Traktor tag preference enabled


New in

Added: Smartlists
Added: Smartlist Filter by Content Type
Added: Smartlist Is around Operator for BPM filter
Added: Smartlist Greater/Less than Equal Operator
Added: Smartlist Starts/End with Operator
Fixed: Reversed loop goes out of phase
Fixed: BPM, Bitrate, Catalog number search broken
Fixed: History Columns are all shown and when disabling some the right side gets cut off

Le moins qu'on puisse dire c'est qu'ils chaument pas :

New in

Added: Smartlists: Preview number of tracks
Added: Smartlists: Duplicate Smart/Playlist
Added: Smartlists: Filter by File State(Analyzed, Played in Session, Analysis Locked, File Availability)
Added: Rane Twelve Mk2 Integration
Fixed: When browsing a smartlist on the S8, the current path is incorrect
Fixed: Browser sorting issues on the S8
Fixed: Smartlist does not update on value change
Fixed: Non-latin text input is not show in Smartlist dialog
Fixed: Numeric operators renamed
Fixed: When you delete a Smartlist a dialog shows which mentions Playlist
Fixed: Favorite Slots which have Smartlists appear broken
Fixed: Tracks with bitrate of 0 show up in smartlists
Fixed: Create/Rename/Edit Play/Smartlist should keep focus on created/edited list
Fixed: Crash while editing tracks
Fixed: Crash while loading tracks

[ Dernière édition du message le 13/08/2020 à 19:21:33 ]

peut on savoir quant cette version sera disponible car pour l'instant native acces ne donne toujours pas d'update disponible (je suis en 3.30.108) ?

have a nice day ;)

La beta expire le 7 octobre. On peut penser que la sortie définitive va suivre quelques temps après.