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Ressources & samples Avid
Livres & Méthodes Avid

Sibelius 7 Avid Learning

Comme neuf  |  Complet
47 €
50 €
Baisse de prix de 6%
Valenciennes, Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Postée il y a 10 jours - Expire dans 80 jours - 22 vues
Livraison uniquement
Charte Conseils


Sibelius 7 Avid Learning
Music Notation Essentials

Training Avid officiel, + de 450 pages ;
En état neuf, Cd-Rom non déballé

SIBELIUS 7 MUSIC NOTATION ESSENTIALS provides the most thorough introduction available to the fundamental operations of Sibelius 7 and lays the foundation for continuing studies at the more advanced levels. This book is built around five hands-on projects, including an introduction to the Sibelius 7 interface and basic editing operations; setting up a score and entering notes; importing MIDI, MusicXML, lyrics, and more; creating a worksheet; and scoring video. The learning method is tutorial-based, step-by-step, and visually compelling; the projects in the book are fully integrated with the accompanying tutorial videos and include many helpful screenshots and diagrams. On the companion website are 31 tutorial videos in which the author steps you through every key skill learned in each lesson. In addition, the accompanying CD provides you with all of the resources you need to complete the course in Sibelius, plus five extension projects. SIBELIUS 7 MUSIC NOTATION ESSENTIALS is the first crucial step in mastering Sibelius 7, the most popular music notation software in use today.
Valenciennes, Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Valenciennes, Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Postée il y a 10 jours - Expire dans 80 jours - 22 vues
Livraison uniquement
  • Vendeur particulier
  • 97 annonces
3 j délai réponse
83.25% taux réponse
22 ans sur AF
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pour 1,17 € de plus