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< Tous les avis Endless Analog CLASP
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Endless Analog CLASP
Endless Analog CLASP
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Publié le 29/10/10 à 02:33
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Endless Analog CLASP (Closed Loop Analog Signal Processor) is a revolutionary device that allows you to sync up your tape machine and DAW like Pro Tools. The studio that I work at literally just got one of these, and let me tell you it is absolutely amazing. We're using it with Pro Tools HD and Sony MCI JH 24 2" tape machine. We've also got a Neve 8068 console, and the combination of tape and the 8068 has always sounded incredible here, but now with the CLASP it's just so much easier. Tape sessions were a lot harder before using the CLASP as it eliminates the need to dump from tape back into Pro Tools and also just makes set up so much easier. Now that we've got the CLASP good to go, I'm expecting that more and more tape sessions will be done just out of utter convenience and in the sense that you might as well do it! Setting this up wasn't exactly easy, but after about a full day's work you'll have it all set to go. It's a seamless transfer for sure, and comes with software for monitoring and controlling in Pro Tools. The CLASP is available for a number of different tape machines, but not all of them, although most major tape machines will indeed be supported. The price of the CLASP is certainly expensive, but it's really not outlandish at all and would actually be kind of affordable if you were working in a professional studio environment. Of course you need to have a high quality tape machine and a high end studio to go along with it before I would even consider this. I'm so happy to have the CLASP available to me, as it really is one of the most revolutionary pieces of gear to come out in the digital era.