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Echange de User Presets

  • 5 réponses
  • 3 participants
  • 4 368 vues
Sujet de la discussion Echange de User Presets

Salut à tous les utilisateurs du PF!

Tout est dans le titre.

Voici certains presets tirés du Forum Eventide



Mix = WET:100

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = ArpA: OFF

Pitch B = ArpB: OFF

Delay A = GrvA: OFF

Delay B = GrvB: OFF

(encoder) = PEGGIATOR / TMP ON

Depth / Key = ATK:  3

Speed / Scale = LN: 1/16

Xnob = FXA: RnFL

Ynob = FXB: RnFL


(EXP PED Heel) = GrvA: OFF GrvB: OFF

(EXP PED Toe) = A01  B01


Classic "sample & hold" filter effect.  The clocked random filter patterns from A & B combine for a more random feel in a 1/16th note progression.  Works well with clean-to-distorted input, single notes, chords, and arpeggios.  Can benefit from a strong, sustained signal.


Expression Pedal:

Each of the sixteen steps are played at full amplitude with the groove patterns disabled.  Past halfway on an expression pedal brings an emphasis on each step's attack with the groove :01 patterns and the Depth / Key value of ATK:   3.



Quick Variations:

Mix = Reduce 100% WET for more subtle filtering.

Delay A; Delay B = A pallette of rhythmic variations.

Depth / Key = Sweeping filters to filter blips.

Speed / Scale = Rate changes from barely noticeable to gargling filters.



Mix = WET:100

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = ArpA: OFF

Pitch B = ArpB: OFF

Delay A = GrvA: A07

Delay B = GrvB: B07

(encoder) = PEGGIATOR / TMP ON

Depth / Key = ATK:  0

Speed / Scale = LN: 1/32

Xnob = FXA: OFF

Ynob = FXB: OFF


(EXP PED Heel) = LN: 1/16

(EXP PED Toe) = LN: 1/64


Sharp-edged tremolo effect that instantly varys between silent and full amplitude.  Uses Delay A + Delay B groove pattern :07 to create the effect.


Expression Pedal:

Because of the groove pattern construction, the effect rate is slower than expected.  Use the expression pedal for slower and faster rates that remain sync'ed to tempo.




Mix = WET:100

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = ArpA: OFF

Pitch B = ArpB: OFF

Delay A = GrvA: A12

Delay B = GrvB: B10

(encoder) = PEGGIATOR / TMP ON

Depth / Key = ATK:  0

Speed / Scale = LN: 1/16

Xnob = FXA: OFF

Ynob = FXB: OFF


(EXP PED Heel) = ATK:  0  FXA: OFF  FXB: OFF

(EXP PED Toe) = ATK: 10  FXA: FLT 1   FXB: FLT2


Two groove patterns combine rhythms for a single slicing effect.  Find two patterns for Delay A and Delay B that compliment each other.  Sparse rhythms leave room for a 2nd pattern.  Most slicer effects become more distinct with Mix = 100% WET. 


Expression Pedal:

The envelope attack over each step increases from full amplitude to 1/10th of the step duration.  Two different filter patterns are gradually blended in from the effects section.  Individual slices become more staccato and frequency-dependent at the toe position.




Mix = WET:100

Pitch Mix = A7+B10

Pitch A = ArpA: OFF

Pitch B = ArpB: OFF

Delay A = GrvA: A03

Delay B = GrvB: B04

(encoder) = PEGGIATR / TMP OFF

Depth / Key = ATK:  -5

Speed / Scale = LN: 250 ms.

Xnob = FXA: OFF

Ynob = FXB: OFF


(EXP PED Heel) = LN: 250 ms.

(EXP PED Toe) = LN:  50 ms.


Stereo panning effects.    In a mono application, it's closer to a looped attack delay effect. Two offset groove patterns alternate active step positions.  Pitch Mix attempts to correct for the maximum level difference in the Delay B pattern.  The slow attack setting for Depth / Key sweeps the patterns left to right (and back again).


Expression Pedal:

The heel position resets to the default cycle rate [250 milliseconds).  The toe position ramps up the speed to the 50 ms. top limit.  This can be useful in emulating a Rhodes or Leslie effect (in conjunction with the rest of your pedalboard).




Mix = WET:100

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = ArpA: OFF

Pitch B = ArpB: OFF

Delay A = GrvA: A05

Delay B = GrvB: B12

(encoder) = PEGGIATR / TMP ON

Depth / Key = ATK:  0

Speed / Scale = LN: 1/16

Xnob = FXA: GLT2

Ynob = FXB: GLT1


(EXP PED Heel) = ATK:  5

(EXP PED Toe) = ATK: -5


Two steady groove patterns add glitching accents to create a more complex rhythmic effect.  Interaction among the five glitch patterns, the 20 groove patterns, separate A & B channels, and the Depth / Key attack control varies the effect from barely noticeable to an overwhelming glitch-fest. 



Expression Pedal:

Backing off the pedal brings the glitches to the forefront, with pushing forward smears the groove patterns and glitch steps together.




Mix = WET:100

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = ArpA: OFF

Pitch B = ArpB: OFF

Delay A = GrvA: A06

Delay B = GrvB: B06

(encoder) = PEGGIATR / TMP ON

Depth / Key = ATK:  5

Speed / Scale = LN: 1/8

Xnob = FXA: OFF

Ynob = FXB: OFF


(EXP PED Heel) = ATK:  5

(EXP PED Toe) = ATK: 0


This patch emulates a sawtooth-like LFO controlling amplitude, for a different kind of tremolo effect.  It can also be used as a steady slicer at different rates, or a fake delay effect (using the guitar's natural decay).  It has a sharper ramp characteristic on the groove "slices" than the usual sine- or square-wave LFO on many tremolo units.



Expression Pedal:

Pushing the expression pedal towards the toe position fades out the sharp attacks, and becomes a subtle pulsing that's barely audble.  Use it actively to vary the solid pattern emphasis.




Mix = WET:50

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = 1:000

Pitch B = 1.000

Delay A = 1/4

Delay B = 1/8*

(encoder) = 910/949 / TMP ON

Depth / Key = MODERN

Speed / Scale = CHROMTC

Xnob = FBKA: 0

Ynob = FBKB: 0


(EXP PED Heel) = FBKA: 0  FBKB: 0

(EXP PED Toe) = FBKA: 100  FBKB: 100


The PitchFactor functions as a great primary or secondary digital delay unit.  This preset exploits the dotted eighth rhythmic effects.  By changing Depth / Key to one of the H910 or H949 variations, it's possible to emulate one of the earlier bucket-brigade digital delays.



Expression Pedal:

Not all delay units will allow infinite feedback.  Although this preset can go into short-delay looper territory, the expression pedal is set up for active use here.  The heel position snaps back to one repeat from each delay line.  The toe position goes into total regeneration.  By moving the pedal to many intermediate positions, the short delays are perceived as additional notes played, or rapid arpeggios & finger-picking.




Mix = WET:50

Pitch Mix = A10+B0

Pitch A = 50c

Pitch B = -50c

Delay A = 0 ms.

Delay B = 0 ms.

(encoder) = MICRO / TMP OFF

Depth / Key = DPTH: 100

Speed / Scale = SPD: 80

Xnob = FBK: 0

Ynob = FLT: 0


(EXP PED Heel) = WET: 0

(EXP PED Toe) = WET: 100


Wide vibrato or whammy bar effects are available in this preset.  Speed / Scale is set for a moderately-fast, "natural" rate.  Increase or decrease that by 10% or so for faster & slower "natural" effects.  Vary the speed much more to dive into "electronic" rates.  Pitch Mix is shifted to the left for a "bend up" quarter-tone vibrato.  Change that to A0+B10 for "bend down", or to A10+B10 for both directions simultaneously.



Expression Pedal:

The pedal is set up to fade in vibrato effects from no vibrato, through an equal blend, and landing on total pitchbending. A rapid move through the pedal range will emulate near-instant vibrato.





Mix = WET:85

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = A:01

Pitch B = OFF

Delay A = GrvA: A03

Delay B = GrvB: B20

(encoder) = PEGGIATR / TMP OFF

Depth / Key = ATK: 5

Speed / Scale = LN: 22 ms.

Xnob = FXA: OFF

Ynob = FXB: OFF


(EXP PED Heel) = LN: 50 ms.

(EXP PED Toe) = LN: 10 ms.


Minimal pitch shift is used here to accent the cyclical machine sound.  This is an unusual effect that may be useful in more limited applications.  It has an electronic type of overlay with an emphasis on grinding, non-tempo sync'ed rates.  Complexity is added by allowing a small amount of the dry signal to leak through.



Expression Pedal:

Control over simple rate changes from relatively slow to maximum speed.  Change the Heel setting to 250 ms. to bring the machine to a grinding halt.




Mix = WET:100

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = OFF

Pitch B = OFF

Delay A = GrvA: A06

Delay B = GrvB: B06

(encoder) = PEGGIATR / TMP ON

Depth / Key = ATK: 0

Speed / Scale = LN: 1/16

Xnob = FXA: RnGL

Ynob = FXB: RnGL


(EXP PED Heel) = ATK: 5  LN: 1/4

(EXP PED Toe) = ATK: 0  LN: 1/16


All out and straight-up glitching.  The default settings demonstrate the variety of glitching effects available, and the glitching patterns for each processor are tossed out randomly.  The effect can be subtle and yet surprising; depending on what you're playing, and what the PitchFactor "decides" at that particular moment.  This can be used to add synthetic pick attacks to guitar.


Expression Pedal:

The expression pedal at the Heel increases the groove pattern attacks, while decreasing the time division rate.  This position can audibly knock out some of the glitches, while emphasing the more rhythmic groove patterns.  The Toe postion shifts back to the default preset settings.





Mix = WET:100

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = OFF

Pitch B = OFF

Delay A = GrvA: A06

Delay B = GrvB: B06

(encoder) = PEGGIATR / TMP ON

Depth / Key = ATK: 1

Speed / Scale = LN: 1/16

Xnob = FXA: FLT1

Ynob = FXB: FLT1



(EXP PED Toe) =  FXA: FLT5  FXB: FLT5 


OK, so Moog isn't worried about going out of business with this preset.  But the PitchFactor can provide a nice selection of sequenced filter effects.  Identical filter patterns in each processor (plus the 100% wet signal) add a strong rhythmic presence to chained pedalboard effects.  Pre- or post-distortion always gives filters more harmonic content to chew on.  Pulling back the Mix knob to 50% pushes the filter effects towards the background.


Expression Pedal:

Five filter patterns are available through the range of the expression pedal.  The limited number of positions makes it relatively easy to lock into any of the filter sequences with most expression pedals.





Mix = WET:75

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = OFF

Pitch B = OFF

Delay A = GrvA: A02

Delay B = GrvB: B02

(encoder) = PEGGIATR / TMP ON

Depth / Key = ATK: -5

Speed / Scale = LN: 1/16

Xnob = FXA: OFF

Ynob = FXB: OFF


(EXP PED Heel) = ATK: -5  LN: 1/8

(EXP PED Toe) =  ATK: 2  LN: 1/64 


A slow attack preset that is vaguely reminiscent of up/down bow technique on strings, or a rhythmic reverse delay.  Quite a different effect from using the PitchFactor's Crystals mode (more like soft tremolo effects or reversed ducking delays).


Expression Pedal:

The expression pedal flips the attack from a slow fade-in to mildly staccato.  The rate of the repetitions increases at the same time, while maintaining a time division relationship to the current tempo.  Use the expression pedal almost like you would a Leslie, with the rates moving slowly around the tempo.





Mix = WET:50

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = FLTA: 100

Pitch B = FLTB: 25

Delay A = RES-A  10

Delay B = RES-B  10

(encoder) = OCTAVER / UNUSED

Depth / Key = DPTH:  0

Speed / Scale = SENS:  0

Xnob = FUZZ:  11

Ynob = oct ...|| ....... fz


(EXP PED Heel) = FLTA:  100  FLTB:  25

(EXP PED Toe) = FLTA:  25  FLTB:  100


This is the one that got away from me.  The Synthi Hi-Fli was a monstrous, fuzzy-buzzy effects box with an incredible phase filter modulation section.  This preset is my attempt at reproducing some of the vocal-like WAW and MEOW settings.  A big part of the Synthi control was in the dual footpedals, and it's no different here.



Expression Pedal:

You almost need a pumping expression pedal to get the desired effect here.  I did try a MIDI LFO over a PED assignment, and the PitchFactor started freaking out.  Moving the EXP PED from heel to toe (and back again) crosses the cutoff frequency of one resonant filter over the other.  It's these crossing frequencies that combine for the vocalization effect.





Mix = WET:50

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = A: UNISON

Pitch B = B: UNISON

Delay A = 1 ms.

Delay B = 2 ms.

(encoder) = HMODLTR / TMP: OFF

Depth / Key = DP: - 10c

Speed / Scale = SPD:  40

Xnob = RAMP-DN

Ynob = FBK:  5


(EXP PED Heel) =  DP: -10c   SPD:  40

(EXP PED Toe) = DP: -30c   SPD:  80


This is about as close as I could come to a Univibe feel.  More 'Vibrato' switch position than the phasey Chorus position.  With a negative Depth setting, the sawtooth LFO is moving slight pitch variations in opposite directions.  I used that to simulate the wobbly, asymmetric sine LFO in the original.  Tiny delay times in each pitch shifter with minimal regeneration add to the complexity.



Expression Pedal:

The amplitude of the Univibe LFO increased as the speed gets faster.  The expression pedal simulates this with higher depth.  Of course, we're not simulating the distortions of the unique circuitry and LDR design.  You'll have to add some of that at the input signal here.




Mix = WET:50

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = A:  1.000

Pitch B = B:  1.000

Delay A =  1000 ms.

Delay B =  2000 ms.

(encoder) = 910/949 / TMP: OFF

Depth / Key = MODERN

Speed / Scale = CHROMTC

Xnob = FB-A:  100

Ynob = FB-B:  100


(EXP PED Heel) =  FB-A: 100  FB-B:  100

(EXP PED Toe) = FB-A:  0  FB-B:  0


Set up as an infinite looper.The preset ping-pongs between left & right with a 1 second and 2 second delay (maximum).  Blend in some variations using the REPEAT function (Flex switch in Play mode).  The 200 ms. delay buffer repeats fold in to the looping delays.



Expression Pedal:

The pedal is configured to fade out the infinite looping at any setting other than full Heel.  It controls the 'decay time' of the loops.  Full Toe yields a single set of repeats.  Rapid EXP PED movement (landing back at the Heel) retains some of the original loop, plus added input.  Good for limited 'dubbing' and the introduction of fade-in phrases.





Mix = WET:100

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = ArpA: OFF

Pitch B = ArpB: OFF

Delay A = GrvA: A07

Delay B = GrvB: B02

(encoder) = PEGGIATR / TMP ON

Depth / Key = ATK:  -5

Speed / Scale = LN: 1/32

Xnob = FXA: OFF

Ynob = FXB: OFF


(EXP PED Heel) = A10 + B0

(EXP PED Toe) = A0 + B10


Another two-pattern slicer preset.  One sparse groove pattern combines with a more active pattern to produce a third 'pattern' with some characteristics of each.  *Note:  No guarantees in a mono routing using the expression pedal.  For some reason, groove pattern B suffers from cancellation.



*Expression Pedal:

The expression pedal shifts the Pitch Mix between the A & B sides.  Groove A can be used as a fake delay or slow tremolo.  Groove B doubles the rate and varies the amplitude of alternating steps.





Mix = WET:50

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = A:  1.000

Pitch B = B:  1.000

Delay A =  0 ms.

Delay B =  0 ms.

(encoder) = 910/949 / TMP: OFF

Depth / Key = MODERN

Speed / Scale = MICRO

Xnob = FB-A:  75

Ynob = FB-B:  75


(EXP PED Heel) =  FB-A: 50  FB-B:  50

(EXP PED Toe) = FB-A:  100  FB-B:  100


At default settings, this is a fairly subtle 'slow flanger' effect.  The delay times are set to 0 milliseconds with significant amounts of feedback.  Unintended pitch shifting from the MICRO mini-mode combines with processing delay regeneration to produce 'sweeps' in opposite directions.  No direct control over the 'sweep rate'.



Expression Pedal:

At the Heel, the slow 'flanging' is barely noticeable.  At full Toe, the feedback gets pushed into runaway oscillation.  Full 'barberpole' effects travelling in two different directions are available near the Toe position.  Midway is about where the default preset settings start out.





Mix = WET:50

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = A: UNISON

Pitch B = B: UNISON

Delay A = 0 ms.

Delay B = 0 ms.

(encoder) = HMODLTR / TMP: OFF

Depth / Key = DP: - 30c

Speed / Scale = SENS:  2  to  5*


Ynob = FBK:  0


(EXP PED Heel) =  DP: -30c

(EXP PED Toe) = DP:  30c


*Set the envelope sensitivity in Speed / Scale to your playing style, or to the desired depth of chorusing.  A setting of zero or 10 effectively knocks out the 'envelope' part of this preset.


The PitchFactor envelope appears to act on discrete input levels.  That is, it doesn't seem to be an envelope follower in the strictest sense.  One threshold level triggers the effect, and when the input drops below another threshold, the effect drops out suddenly, too.  Still, there's quite a variety of responses to be found using the SENS: setting, in conjunction with your playing technique.



Expression Pedal:

Heel position has 30 cent pitch variations going both higher and lower (for a deeper 'chorusing' effect).  More subtle variations can be found in the midrange of the pedal.  The Toe position has pitch shifts both going upward, and the actual pitch variations become reinforced, and more noticeable.




Mix = WET: 25 - 50

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = A: 1.000

Pitch B = B: 1.000

Delay A = 50 ms.

Delay B = 50 ms.

(encoder) = 910/949 / TMP: OFF

Depth / Key = H949-1

Speed / Scale = MICRO

Xnob = FBKA: 25

Ynob = FBKB:  25


(EXP PED Heel)* =  A: 0 ms.  B: 0 ms.

(EXP PED Toe)* = A: 2000 ms.  B: 2000 ms.



At default settings, this is just a slapback echo with some decaying repeats.  The first 949 algorithm adds some graininess to the flutter echoes.  Legato playing results in almost a small room reverb response.  Adjust the Mix setting to the desired depth of effect.



*Expression Pedal:

It's not necessary to get exact, identical settings for Delay A and Delay B; at either the Heel or Toe position.  In fact, slight differences between the two delays enhances the granular reverberation effect.  As the expression pedal moves from Heel to Toe, the control over the delay times slurs the repeats, and introduces short crossfade effects.  Shorter delays are 'captured' in longer delays, and echoes appear to be arriving from many different directions.




Mix = WET: 50

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = ArpA: OFF

Pitch B = ArpB: OFF

Delay A = A:06

Delay B = B:06

(encoder) = PEGGIATR / TMP: OFF

Depth / Key = ATK:  10

Speed / Scale = LN:  450 ms.

Xnob = FXA:  RnFL

Ynob = FXB:  RnFL


(EXP PED Heel) =  LN: 450 ms.

(EXP PED Toe) = LN: 75 ms.



Slow filter changes resembling a stepped wah effect.  The sharp attack clips the filter to the first 1/10 of the 'step', with accents provided by the almost-steady groove pattern selections.



Expression Pedal:

The large increase in rate blurs the random filter patterns together, and stops just short of a gargling mess.  Again, this is a preset that's not tied to tempo, and meant to be used in & around the current rhythmic pulse.  Consider it an Alien Leslie effect, with the EXP PED ramping the effect up and down in speed.




Mix = WET: 80

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = FLTA: 0

Pitch B = FLTB: 50

Delay A = RES-A  10

Delay B = RES-B  10

(encoder) = OCTAVER / UNUSED

Depth / Key = DPTH:  25

Speed / Scale = SENS:  100

Xnob = FUZZ:  7

Ynob = oct ..........|| fz


(EXP PED Heel) = oct ..........|| fz

(EXP PED Toe) = oct .....||..... fz


The Octaver algorithm's fuzz parameter has some of the squawky characteristics of the legendary Octavia pedal.  As with the original, you'll hear more of the breakups & octave-up effects with double stops and with notes above the 7th fret.  I didn't max this one out at Fuzz: 11 (nice touch, Eventide!).  Rule of thumb: Cleaner input; more fuzz.  Distorted input; less additional fuzz required.



Expression Pedal:

Here's where the 'multi' part comes in.  The default preset is nearly all fuzz, with just a touch of the two suboctaves.  The Toe position on the expression pedal mixes in resonant filter suboctaves in equal amounts.  Use it to add a riffing bassline, or to break up the distortion-fest even more.




Mix = WET: 50

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = A:  UNISON

Pitch B = B:  UNISON

Delay A = D: 310 ms.

Delay B = . A . B . C . D

(encoder) = QUADVOX / TMP: OFF

Depth / Key = (any)  N/A

Speed / Scale = (any) N/A

Xnob = C:  UNISON

Ynob = D:  UNISON


(EXP PED Heel) = D:  310 ms.

(EXP PED Toe) = D= 1240 ms.


Nothing earth-shattering here.  This is simply my nod to one of the settings in the classic magnetic drum echo unit.  The Quadravox algorithm doesn't provide for any feedback, but that's something you can derive from a downstream delay pedal.  It does allow for useful spacing between delays, and here, the four 'playback heads' are equally spaced.



Expression Pedal:

The pedal is set up to quadruple the maximum delay time of the original (Toe position).  For the adventurous, add Pitch A, B, C, & D to - 1 oct or - 2 oct., for a pitch-shifting 'tape stop' effect.  As the delay time gets longer, the pitch of all four voices will drop along with it.




Mix = WET: 30 - 50

Pitch Mix = A10+B0

Pitch A = VxA:  250

Pitch B = VxB:  75

Delay A = AtkA:  2.0 S

Delay B = AtkB:  1.0 S

(encoder) = SYNTHZR / UNUSED

Depth / Key = RVB: 100

Speed / Scale = DCY: 10 S

Xnob = ASHP:  SW

Ynob = BFLT:  100


(EXP PED Heel) = DCY: 10 S

(EXP PED Toe) = DCY: 0.0 S


- OR -


(EXP PED Heel) = RVB:  100

(EXP PED Toe) = RVB:  0


Simulated feedback buildup on every sustained note,   To enhance the effect, this is fed into maximum reverb settings.  For a parallel synth filter buildup, blend in the subtractive synthesizer by changing Pitch Mix to A10+B10.



Expression Pedal:

In the first EXP PED setting, moving the pedal adds some 'tape off the capstan' pitch effects to the trailing reverb decay.  The second EXP PED setting fades out the reverb in the Toe position, for a more 'in-your-face' effect.





Mix = WET: 50 - 100

Pitch Mix = A0+B10

Pitch A = VxA:  350

Pitch B = VxB:  50

Delay A = AtkA:  1.0 S

Delay B = AtkB:  0.0 S

(encoder) = SYNTHZR / UNUSED

Depth / Key = RVB: 25

Speed / Scale = DCY: 0.5 S

Xnob = ASHP:  SW

Ynob = BFLT:  30


(EXP PED Heel) = BFT:  10

(EXP PED Toe) = BFT:  50



Now who can resist a wah-wah pedal?  The default settings use the subtractive synth only, at a fixed-wah setting and no attack time.  The lowpass filter carves a nice slice out of the moderate blend in Pitch B.  The doubled effect is reinforced with just a touch of reverb.



Expression Pedal:

Pump away.  The expression pedal programming stays within the lowpass filter range, but just above (at the Heel position) where the filter seems to knock out most of the input frequencies.  Lower the Heel position to BFT:  0 for synth, bass, baritone, or other low frequency input.





Mix = WET: 50

Pitch Mix = A10+B10

Pitch A = A:  UNISON

Pitch B = B:  UNISON

Delay A = A:  1/8

Delay B = B:  1/16

(encoder) = DIATONIC / TMP: ON

Depth / Key = (any) N/A

Speed / Scale = (any) N/A

Xnob = FB-A:  75

Ynob = FB-B:  75


(EXP PED Heel) = B:  1/16

(EXP PED Toe) = B:  1/2


Xnob (Ynob)


Controls level of Voice A (Voice B) feedback.  The feedback delay length is Delay A or Delay B, whichever is longer.

The excerpt above (from the Diatonic section of the UM) explains the idea behind this preset.  In the default settings, this is just a rapid ping-pong delay with a somewhat long decay time.  But when you start to vary the delay times ...



Expression Pedal:

By controlling the delay time in Delay B, the expression pedal shifts the feedback delay length between the 1/8 note static setting in Delay A, or the current expression pedal setting (if it's longer than an 1/8th note) in Delay B.  Active use of the EXP PED yields scratching & stuttering delay effects.  The feedback length remains sync'ed to tempo, but the changing divisions result in a very unique delay effec





Voila vous pouvez écouter une répète ou j'utilise le mode quadravox du PF. Le son est fort saturé mais ca donne une idée:

Chouette !

je commençais à manquer d'inspiration pour cette pédale. Par contre je ne comprend pas dans ces preset où il est écrit quel mode est enclenché ? je veux dire DIA/harpegg, etc..

Si il est indiqué juste après Encoder ;-)

ok, je vais m'acheter des yeux, je reviens:D:
c'est le reglages des presets d'usines ou c'est des reglages plus "custom" ?

C'est ce que j'ai trouvé sur le forum eventide...

Je pense que ce sont des utilisateurs qui postent leurs réglages.