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Calibration des pédales

  • 2 réponses
  • 3 participants
  • 682 vues
Sujet de la discussion Calibration des pédales
Bon j'espère que je ne fais pas de doublons là, mais je n'ai pas trouvé l'info sur le forum.

alors voilà pour calibrer les pédales (désolé, c'est en anglais):

Calibration – Self-test FCB1010:

Keep pedal 1 and 3 pressed while switching on the unit. The unit is in self-test-mode now. LED's are checking.

Wait until all pedal led's are burning. Push all pedals now (one at a time, including up and down) until all leds are off.

Wait until relay test is finished.

Press the down-button once.

Adjust the left expression pedal (A) to the lowest value. Once adjusted press UP.

Adjust the left expression pedal (A) to the highest value. Once adjusted press UP.

Adjust the right expression pedal (B) to the lowest value. Once adjusted press UP.

Adjust the right expression pedal (B) to the highest value. Once adjusted press UP.

Now the pedals are calibrated and there should be a value of 0-127 to the midi-output.

Another note:
There will be a software update coming up soon, with V-amp configuration and TC G-force.

We hope that we have been able to help you with this information.

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Hors sujet : En Français, on dit Calibrage ;)

Pour la pédagogie virtuelle, contre l'assistanat numérique... ;-)


Guitar Animist