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Sujet help : fcb1010 + multieffet adrenalinn (+ rc50 si possible)

  • 8 réponses
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Sujet de la discussion help : fcb1010 + multieffet adrenalinn (+ rc50 si possible)
je viens de recevoir mon 1010
je souhaite piloter un multi effet adrenalinn
j' ai une interface usb/midi
j'ai téléchargé le logiciel de programmation pour le fcb1010 conseillé dans les tutoriels

pour le moment la saisie d'un preset au pedalier 1010 change syncho le preset du multi mais c'est tout

je souhaiterai pouvoir changer les preset de boite à rythme intégrés dans le multi
et moduler les volumes par les pedales d'expression

je suis perdu dans les protocoles et dans les ordres...

pouvez vous m'aider?

Il nous faut des precisions:
Pour changer le preset de la boite a rythm: qu est ce qu'il faut envoyer:
un programme change , sur quel plage,  y a t il des sub banques ? ....
Pour le volume c'est quel controleur CC7 ?

j'ai un fichier "AdrenaLinn MIDI Implementation" qui semble donner ces reponses
mais je ne sais pas comment l'utiliserje fait un copier coller du contenu du fichier:

AdrenaLinn receives the following MIDI messages:

Channel Mode messages:

MIDI Note On, Note Off, Pitch Bend, Pressure/Aftertouch, Controller

The velocity and note number information of MIDI Note On messages, as well as Pitch Bend, Aftertouch, and Controller messages, are used as modulation sources for the AdrenaLinn’s Filter Frequency. The MIDI Channel parameter must be set to either “ALL” or the same MIDI channel as the received messages, and the Mod Source parameter must be set to receive the type of message being sent (NOT, VEL, BEN, PRE, CON or modulation combinations containing one of these MIDI sources). In the case of MIDI Controller messages, controller numbers 1, 11, 16, 70 and 74 are recognized and all others are ignored. MIDI Note On messages may also be used to trigger the AdrenaLinn’s envelope generator if the EG Trigger parameter is set to either “MID” or “MnP” (Midi with no Program Change).


MIDI Program Change

This message will select user presets U 0-U99. Messages for programs above 99 will be ignored. The EG Trigger parameter must be set to either AUD or MID, and the MIDI Channel parameter must be set to either “ALL” or the same MIDI channel as the received messages.


System Common messages:

MIDI Clock, Start, Stop, Continue, and Song Position Pointer

MIDI Start, Stop and Continue will start, stop and continue the AdrenaLinn’s drumbeat and filter sequence. MIDI Clock is used to sync the AdrenaLinn to an external MIDI device. MIDI Song Position Pointer is used to remotely reposition the starting position within the AdrenaLinn’s sequences. (When syncing the AdrenaLinn to an external MIDI sequencer, these messages are used to start the AdrenaLinn playing at the correct position within its 2-measure loops regardless of the MIDI sequencer’s starting location.) All of these commands will only work if the MIDI Clock parameter is set to either “In” or “I-O” (input & output).


MIDI Song Select

This message will select user drumbeats U 0-U99. Message for songs above 99 will be ignored. The MIDI Channel parameter must be set to either “ALL” or the same MIDI channel as the received messages.


System Exclusive messages:


Please see following pages, “System Exclusive messages”


AdrenaLinn sends the following messages:

System Common messages:

MIDI Clock, Start, and Stop

MIDI Clock messages are sent continuously at the current tempo when the MIDI Clock parameter is set to either “Out” or “I-O”. When the AdrenaLinn’s drumbeat and filter sequence are started (either by pressing START or by receiving a MIDI Start command), then a Start command sent. When the sequence stops, a Stop command is sent.


No other MIDI messages are sent.

System Exclusive Messages




Format of AdrenaLinn System Exclusive messages


Header (note all numbers are hexadecimal)


Byte 1: F0 (MIDI system exclusive identifier)

Byte 2: 00

Byte 3: 01 Manufacturer ID for Roger Linn Design MSB

Byte 4: 37 ID LSB

Byte 5: 01 Adrenalinn Product ID

Byte 6: 01 File version

Byte 7: Command:

01 = receive single parameter

02 = receive single preset

03 = receive single drumbeat

04 = receive all user presets, user drumbeats and Main & MIDI parameters

05 = Transmit request: single Preset

06 = Transmit request: single Drumbeat

07 = Transmit request: all

08 = Drumbeat Change

7A = DSP code download


Bytes 8 – nnnn: message data

Command = 01, single parameter:

First byte:

00 = preset parameter

01 = drumbeat parameter

02 = Main parameter

03 = MIDI parameter

Second byte:

Address of parameter within preset, drumbeat, main or MIDI data structure (see “Data Structures” below)

Third byte:

LS 4 bit nibble of datum within preset, drumbeat, main or MIDI data structure (see “Data Structures” below)

Fourth byte:

MS 4 bit nibble of within preset, drumbeat, main or MIDI data structure (see “Data Structures” below)


Command = 02, single preset:

Data for preset; 56 bytes of data which = 64 bytes of MIDI (see “Data Packing”and “Data Structures” below)


Command = 03, single drumbeat:

Data for drumbeat; 44 bytes of data, 51 bytes of MIDI (see “Data Packing”and “Data Structures” below)


Command = 04, all user presets and drumbeats plus main and MIDI parameters

See below for details.


Command = 05, transmit Preset Request

Preset Number to transmit (0-99, user presets only)


Command = 06, Transmit Drumbeat Request

Drumbeat Number to transmit (0-99, user drumbeats only)


Command = 07, Transmit All Request

No message data – Transmit All starts when command received


Command = 08, Drumbeat Change

First Byte – New drumbeat number, 0 – 99 (decimal) which selects user drumbeats only


Command = 7A (DSP code image):

Data for DSP code image (for field updates of DSP code-- internal use only!)


Last byte: F7 EOX (end of exclusive)







Data Structures


Preset Parameters


Byte Parameter Range/Description

0 Volume 00-99

1 Pan 0-100 (50L – C – 50R), 101-111 (DLY, SEQ, EG, LFO, AUD, HOL, NOT, VEL, CON, BEN, PRE)

2 Filter Mode 0-6 (2PO, 4PO, FL1, FL2, PIT, VOL, OFF)

3 Seq Timebase 0-5 (8n, 8t, 16n, 16h, 32s, DB)

4 Filter Frequency 0-99

5 Mod Source 0-21 (SEQ, EG, LFO, AUD, HOL, NOT, VEL, BEN, CON, PRE, E-L, E-H, E-N, E-V, E-B, E-C, E-P, L-S, L-A, L-C, L-P, S-N)

6 Mod Amount 0-199 (-99 to 0 to 99)

7 Filter Resonance 0-99

8 Envel Attack 0-99

9 Envel Decay 0-199 (0-99 followed by r0 – r99)

10 LFO Wave 0-4 (SIN, TRI, PUL, SAT, RAN)

11 LFO Rate 0-99 followed by 100-111 (8b, 4b, 2b, 1b, 2n, 4n, 8n, 8t, 16n, 16t, 32n, 32t)

12 Amp Drive 0-99, following by 100-199 (b0 – b99)

13 Bass 0-99

14 Mid 0-99

15 Tre 0-99

16 Delay Vol 0-99

17 Delay Time 0-99 followed by 100-108 (2n, 4n, 8n, 8t, 16n, 16t, 32n, 32t)

18 Delay Feedback 0-99

19 Amp Model 0-12 (OFF and 12 amp models)

20-23 Unused For future expansion

24-55 32 sequence steps LS 7 bits of each byte holds sequence level of 0-99; MS bit is envel on/off






Drumbeat Parameters


Byte Parameter Range/Description

0 Volume 00-99

1 Pan 0-100 (50L – C – 50R) 101-104 (ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4)

2 To Delay/Filter 0-99 (to delay) followed by 100-199 (0-99, to filter)

3 Timebase 0-4 (8n, 8t, 16n, 16h, 16s)

4 Bass sound-vol 10-99 (1st decimal digit is sound select 1-9, 2nd decimal digit is mix volume 0-9)

5 Snare sound-vol 10-99 (1st decimal digit is sound select 1-9, 2nd decimal digit is mix volume 0-9)

6 Hihat sound-vol 10-99 (1st decimal digit is sound select 1-9, 2nd decimal digit is mix volume 0-9)

7 Perc sound-vol 10-99 (1st decimal digit is sound select 1-5, 2nd decimal digit is mix volume 0-9)

8 Tempo 30-250 (drumbeat’s assigned tempo)

9-11 Unused For future expansion

12-44 32 sequence steps Bits 0-1 hold OFF plus 3 volumes of bass
Bits 2-3 hold OFF plus 3 volumes of snare
Bits 4-5 hold OFF plus 3 volumes of hihat
Bits 6-7 hold OFF plus selection of 1 of 3 percussion sounds


Main Parameters


Byte Parameter Range/Description

0 Preset 0-99 (F0-F99) followed by 100-199 (U0-F99)

1 Drumbeat 0-99 (F0-F99) followed by 100-199 (U0-F99)

2 Tempo 30-250

3 Volume 0-99

4 Bypass Preset 0 (BYP), 1 (RES), 2-201 (F0-F99-U0-U99)

5 Dir-Amp/Gate 0-3 (DIR, AMP, DNG, ANG)

6 Use Drmbt Tempo 0 (OFF), 1 (ON)

7 Balance/SEP 0-100 (P50 – EQU – D50) followed by 101 (SEP)



MIDI Parameters


Byte Parameter Range/Description

0 Channel 0-15 (MIDI channels 1-16) or 16 (ALL)

1 Clock 0-3 (OFF, IN, OUT, I-O)

2 EG Trigger 0-3 (AUD, MID, AnP, MnP)

3 Dump 0-2 (PST, DBT, ALL)



Data Packing


The general data packing scheme for Preset, Drumbeat, and All data dumps groups 7 bytes of data, stripping off the MS bit of each, and packing these MS bits into an additional byte. So, 7 bytes of internal memory yields 8 bytes of MIDI data.


Assuming 7 bytes of memory data are:


AAAAaaaa Memory byte 0

BBBBbbbb Memory byte 1

CCCCcccc Memory byte 2

DDDDdddd Memory byte 3

EEEEeeee Memory byte 4

FFFFffff Memory byte 5

GGGGgggg Memory byte 6


Then it is sent over MIDI with the MS bits first as follows:


0GFEDCBA Packed MS bits

0AAAaaaa MIDI Data Bytes








Note that fewer than 7 bytes can be sent, and the unused MS bits will be set to zero. For example, if two bytes are sent:


Assuming 2 bytes of memory data are:


AAAAaaaa Memory byte 0

BBBBbbbb Memory byte 1


Then it is sent over MIDI as a three byte sequence, with the MS bits first as follows:


000000BA Packed MS bits

0AAAaaaa MIDI Data Bytes






Send All


Send All has a slightly different format, since data is sent as one large block. The data (after header) is as follows:


1. Main parameters (8 bytes data = 10 bytes MIDI; standard packing format)


2. MIDI parameters (4 bytes data = 5 bytes MIDI; for completeness, all 4 MIDI bytes are transmitted, even though Channel and Dump are ignored when received.)


3. All 100 user presets and 100 user drumbeats. To avoid overloading the AdrenaLinn input buffers, data is sent as three 4k [4096 byte] memory image blocks. The first block contains Presets 0 – 59. The second has Presets 60-99 and Drumbeats 0-24. The final block has Drumbeats 25-99. The same basic packing is used, only it goes through memory in 16 byte groups, which yields 19 MIDI bytes as such:


0GEDCBA MS bits packed

0AAAAAA data byte 1






0GGGGGG data byte 7


0NMLKJIH MS bits packed

0HHHHHHH data byte 8






0NNNNNNN data byte 14

000000QP MS bits packed

0PPPPPPP data byte 15 (“O” is not used here for clarity)

0QQQQQQQ data byte 16


The data structures for Presets and Drumbeats are as before, with one difference. Presets have an additional 8 bytes of zeros after the 56 bytes shown above in Data Structures, and Drumbeats have an additional 7 bytes of zeros. These are also packed in the continuous memory dump. So, each Preset is 64 bytes of memory, and each Drumbeat is 51 bytes of memory.Also, to avoid overloading the AdrenaLinn input buffers, the three 4096 byte blocks are separated by 4,500 zero bytes, followed by a 7F. The exact number of zeros is not critical – just around 1.5 seconds of delay; the 7F signals that the next byte is the first in the next block of data.


ce fichier peut t'il m'aider?

Oui, c'est grace a cela qu'on va pouvoir avencer.

On va essayer de s'attaquer au programme change d'abord :

MIDI Program Change

This message will select user presets U 0-U99. Messages for programs above 99 will be ignored. The EG Trigger parameter must be set to either AUD or MID, and the MIDI Channel parameter must be set to either “ALL” or the same MIDI channel as the received messages.

Il faudrait tout d'abord mettre le FC1010 En omni (Chose que je ne crois pas possible , mais ca reste a confirmer)


tu peux envoyer sur un canal pour voir ce que ca donne.
Ensuite il faut que tu configures le pedalier pour envoyer des PC (program change) (0-99 pour les valeurs)
Il serait judicieut qu debut d'en envoyer qu'un seul par pedale (Bien que l 'on peux en evoyer plusieurs, mais je crois que c'est ton probleme de depart car je crois qu'il sont envoyer successivement a chaque pression)
Par contre dedans (00-99) tu auras certainement les presets d'effet et les preset de banques de la boite a rythm.

Concernant le volume :

Channel Mode messages:

MIDI Note On, Note Off, Pitch Bend, Pressure/Aftertouch, Controller

The velocity and note number information of MIDI Note On messages, as well as Pitch Bend, Aftertouch, and Controller messages, are used as modulation sources for the AdrenaLinn’s Filter Frequency. The MIDI Channel parameter must be set to either “ALL” or the same MIDI channel as the received messages, and the Mod Source parameter must be set to receive the type of message being sent (NOT, VEL, BEN, PRE, CON or modulation combinations containing one of these MIDI sources). In the case of MIDI Controller messages, controller numbers 1, 11, 16, 70 and 74 are recognized and all others are ignored. MIDI Note On messages may also be used to trigger the AdrenaLinn’s envelope generator if the EG Trigger parameter is set to either “MID” or “MnP” (Midi with no Program Change).

Il me semble que le CC pour le volume c'est le 11.
Il te suffit d'ajouter a chaque pedale le CC11 et tu pourra controller le volume via la ou les pedales d'expression.


[ Dernière édition du message le 29/04/2010 à 15:13:35 ]

les presets de mon multi changent avec la sélection au pédalier fcb, en programmant par exemple la pédale 1 j'arrive à obtenir le preset 5 par exemple du multi.
par contre impossible de faire fonctionner les pédales expression pour le volume par exemple.
je n'ose même pas envisager de piloter le multi et le rc50, bref point mort

il y aurait t'il un spécialiste dans le coin (Var ou vers Marseille) pour me conseiller?

Je suis a Toulon.
Sinon, on avance deja.
Concernant les pedales d'expressions, est ce que tu les as calibres ?

oui pedales d'expressions calibrées de 00 à 127...
Toulon trop génial
merci pour le tel

T(es) pedales d'expression tu l(es) a bien mis sur le CC11 00-127

desolé, je n'ai pas trop eu le temps de bidouiller (trop boulot) mais je compte m'en occuper ce week end.
J'esaayerai de t'appeler si tu le permet.

C'est là que je commence à me pommer avec le dans la program CC11...