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4Front TruePianos
4Front TruePianos
ericthegreat ericthegreat

« grand sound! »

Publié le 28/11/11 à 08:19
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
I've been using the 4 Front True Pianos for about a year and I have come to know it as one of the best virtual acoustic pianos out there. It was easy to install and doesn't take to long to figure out what everything does. The interface is laid out smartly and everything is right there for you to get a ton of different types of acoustic piano sounds. Having all the presets there is a huge plus as there are a ton of great pre made sounds in this. I run this virtual instrument both as a stand alone piece of software and in Apple Logic. It always runs smoothly for me when I run this on my Mac Book Pro that has a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GBs of RAM. While I always like to use a real acoustic piano when I can, if that is not an option having True Pianos is a huge asset as it give me a great sound in the box that I can control via a MIDI controller and edit like I would MIDI. It also has a built in metronome and the ability to play audio files that you can play along with. The price is reasonable, especially if you buy this as part True Pianos bundle of virtual instruments. The virtual piano in the interface sets the scene for a real simulation of an acoustic piano. I love the sound quality of this pedal and the price is definitely worth it for what I am trying to do. It is versatile in terms of the different piano sounds and has always run faithfully for me. Overall, I definitely recommend True Pianos for those who want a great sounding piano inside of the box. It will also work on almost in DAW that you use!