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Publié le 01/03/11 à 00:42(contenu en anglais)
The AKG KM259 is a low profile tripod microphone stand for use in the studio or live sound. I've only used this at the recording studio that I work at, where we've just got one of them on hand. The mic stand is pretty flexible in terms of what it can be used for, although of course it can only reach up so high. Even so, it's suitable kick drum micing, guitar cabinets, and even a floor tom or acoustic guitar (if the player is sitting down). The mic stand has a very sturdy overall build and should last a long time if treated properly.
The AKG KM259 is the perfect low profile boom microphone stand for using in the studio. It's of course not going to be as versatile a regular sized mic stand, but every studio needs a few low profile mics to reach lower places where a regular stand can't. This actually has a pretty good reach since it has a boom, which isn't something you're going to find with all low profile mic stands. I like using this one more than the other low profile stands we have because of this, but also because of it's sturdiness and it's ability to keep microphones in place with ease. There's nothing revolutionary about the AKG KM259, as it's simply a solid stand that will get the job done with flexibility and ease. The price of this stand is probably a bit much, but you can most likely find them for a reasonable price if you look at bit. There are plenty of other low profile mic stands out there you can get on the cheap, and I'd recommend having a few of those around as well, but in a professional studio it's definitely going to be helpful to also have something a bit more flexible like the KM259. Check it out if you've got a professional studio that might need one, but it's probably not totally necessary in smaller settings.00