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Atlas Sound DMS7

Atlas Sound DMS7

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Atlas Sound DMS7Publié le 09/04/10 à 07:55
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Atlas Sound DMS7 is a small microphone stand designed for miking drums. I've used them on both outside of a kick drum and underneath a snare drum. You can definitely throw a boom on the stand and use it for other things as well, but my experience with the DMS7 has been on the aforementioned applications. The mic stand can definitely be used both in the recording studio and for live shows, but I've only used them in the studio. Since these are pretty heavy duty and expensive stands, I probably wouldn't recommend using them outside of the studio if you want to keep them pristine, although they could definitely take the wear and tear of live sound.


The Atlas Sound DMS7 is the epitome of reliable microphone stand. I've never had a problem with it whatsoever, as is the case with the other stands that I've used that are made by Atlas Sound as well. While this one is a pretty low height and is really designed for applications where you wouldn't need a microphone too far off the ground, they also make other stands just like this that are bigger for other applications if that is what you're looking for. As far as the DMS7 goes, I can't say a bad thing about the stand, and there isn't really too much more to say that I haven't already said. Atlas Sound is the best in the business when it comes to microphones stands, so I would expect nothing less from them. Just from holding the stand in your hand for a minute you can tell that it is no ordinary stand and is much more heavy duty than most. You're definitely going to pay a good amount more for the DMS7 than you would for another stand like this from a different brand, but there isn't another stand out there that I have seen that is better than this one, regardless of the price. If you're a professional studio owner, I would absolutely consider getting one or two of these for your stand collection.

Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : Atlas Sound
  • Modèle : DMS7
  • Catégorie : Pieds/perches/socles pour microphones
  • Fiche créée le : 09/04/2010

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Autres catégories dans Accessoires microphones

Autres dénominations : dms7, dms 7