pour info le fsq ainsi que l'update du rebegade souffre d'un bug important avec leur nouveau systeme de protection. ci joint copie du dernier mail envoyé aux possesseurs du ou des plugs en question
First of all, we are sorry for the possible troubles our new copy protection system implemented in Renegade v1.3 and FSQ1964 might cause to you!
Please bear in mind this was not our goal. We just tried to protect our work, but it seems that we chosen not just the right method, as many of you noticed problems with it.
Therefore we decided to change the protection system to the simplier one: classic serial number. I think we can make this change within the next 2 weeks or so. You'll be informed as well as the plugin with this system will be sent to you immediately after it will be ready.
Hope this gesture makes you sure, that you are, as our valued customer, on the first place, no matter on the fact, that we maybe loss some income because of usage the serial protection only.
Sorry once again and looking forward to our next collaboration!