Choix difficile!
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J'enregistre voix,guitares acoustiques,électriques et basses en rentrant dans une rme fireface,dont les préamps sont très bons et très droits,mais j'aimerais passer par un préampli à lampe pour donner un peu de caractère aux prises de son,de la couleur.
Je suis intéréssé par plusieurs modèles:
-Gain station Spl
-Solo 610 Universal audio
-Channel one Spl
C'est surtout les prises de guitares acoustiques que je voudrais améliorer(prises avec un Akg 451b).
Est-ce que quelqu'un peut m'éclairer sur l'un ou l'autre de ces produits?Merci à tous.
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L'avis sur le gainstation m'interesse aussi.
Alors ludo7331, est ce que ce preamp correspond à tes attentes ?
Viva la musica !!
Quant aux 3 préamps dont tu parles, je ne choisirais aucun des 3...
Pour à peu près le même prix tu peux passer du bas de gamme au haut de gamme !
Un great river ME-1NV
Ou un Vintech d'occaz...
Hors sujet : Citation : Hum hum, Phoenix audio... vous voulez parler de la marque de celui qui est parti avec les schémas de Geoff Tanner (et son logo) Citation : Quant aux 3 préamps dont tu parles, je ne choisirais aucun des 3...
Je ne sais pas ou tu es aller chercher ca, mais c'est faux. Et si aurora audio a change son logo, ce n'est pas pour rien, il appartenait a Phoenix audio UK.
Le design des 2 preamps est completement different! L'aurora etant une sorte de re-edition d'un circuit NEVE alors que le DRS-2 est un nouveau design. L'aurora est a transformateur et le phoenix est transformless...Ce n'est pas parce que les designers ont tous un passe chez NEVE qu'il faut tout melanger. Et dans DRS-2, le "D" et le "R" sont pour David Rees, qui est chez Phoenix.
Pour à peu près le même prix tu peux passer du bas de gamme au haut de gamme !
Drole de discours je trouve. Je ne dirai pas que le SPL ou les autres sont bas de gamme, loin de la...Franchement, phoenix audio, aurora audio, SPL, UA, great river...aucun n'est mauvais, mais tous differents plutot. A chacun sa couleur.
Ce n'est pas parce que Rees a des papiers prouvant que le logo était commandé par lui qu'il n'aurait pas pu le laisser à Tanner...mais je pense que ça n'interesse personne, ce sont des querelles stupides (à lire sur gearslutz pour plus de détails). Tanner est a l'origine du GTQ-2 qui a inspiré le DRS-2 qui est effectivement sans transformer.
Perso je suis juste pas fan des SPL ni du 610 UA et je n'exprimais que mon avis. Et comme tu le soulignes c'est vraiment une question de goût.
Hors sujet : Citation : Once again I see that the record has to be put a little straighter than it is at the moment. There is a previous posting on gearslutz that addresses some of this.
Pour info, pour que tout le monde puisse se faire son idee, voila ce que dit Shaun Leveque, fondateur de Phoenix audio UK:
Also, many GTQ2's have the Phoenix Audio logo on them... Phoenix Audio at first was Geoff's company here in the US. There was also a partner of his who had Phoenix Audio UK... Long story short., they had a falling out. Geoff allowed them to have the Phoenix name And now Geoff's company is the Aurora Audio we all know and love.
I may not have that completely accurate, but I think that's pretty much the gist of it...
You DON'T have this accurate........Let me straighten a few things up for you so that you don't need to post speculation or guesses anymore.
It was Shaun Leveque that established and built Phoenix Audio (UK) from nothing. Phoenix Audio (UK) was first registered with the VAT office in the UK in July 1996. If Geoff actually has the documentary evidence to prove that Phoenix Audio LLC was registered in the USA before that, then I will concede that part........But so far he has failed to produce any.
The Phoenix LOGO was designed by Kevin Dunston who works for Retail Graphics in the UK.......The logo was designed under Shaun Leveque's specific instructions, so that Shaun Leveque could put up a sign outside the 1000 Square foot+ workshop rented by Phoenix Audio (UK).
The sign and design were all commisioned and paid for by Shaun Leveque, and Phoenix (UK) has the invoices and works instructions to prove it!........Furthermore........Phoenix Audio (UK)'s attorney instructed Geoff Tanner to cease using the LOGO some time ago, to which Tanner agreed.....IN WRITING......but has so far failed to do. When WILL Tanner be ceasing to use MY Logo, I wonder!!
The only reason we haven't persued it further, is that as Tanner has been previously in the most part, supported solely by Alan at Grand Master Recorders, he has never had any funds that would be worth sueing for (there is still some £18000.00 worth of outstanding debt that Tanner has never re-paid Phoenix Audio (UK), that has had to be written off the books and as Tanner's products are generally cloned or cobbled together Neve circuitry, there is a distinct difference between the two companies design of equipment, plus we actually have the funds and technical abilities to make our products available to anyone that wants them, without them having to pay up-front to fund the build, then wait 6 - 10 weeks (at best, apparently) for a possible delivery.
I find it ammusing that customers have to finance the build of equipment in advance.
But, the fact that Geoff decided the GTQ needed a little something extra (additional mid band frequency, impedance switch, etc), meant that he would have to retool the GTQ a little bit. This basically caused a bottleneck of sorts....
Really!!! Now this is interesting!! As the bottle-neck APEARED to be caused by the fact that Geoff Tanner had attempted to re-layout the PCB's that I had originally done, but then hit a problem with noise in the mid frequency range. It was MY understanding that the "little something extra" was actually to FIX the problem with noise......I understand this to be correct as Tanner phoned the David Rees hoping to get help with the problem (David benevelontly pointed out that Tanner was running at a level 8dB lower than was appropriate and Tanner was pointed back onto the right road)....See later in posting RE: David Rees.
Yep. The preamp section of the Phoenix GTQ2mkII is the same as the one in the Aurora GTQ2mkII, they are the same piece made by the same man. They did change the kind of switches they were using when they switched to the Aurora silkscreening. But, they don't effect the sound. Also, Phoenix Audio UK never had anything to do with the GTQ2, so when you see a GTQ you can rest assured it's one of Geoff's babies....
Oh Plllleeease!!!! Geoff Tanner didn't design the the pre-amp section!!! It's part of an original Neve circuit, including the re-packaged 10468 input transformer!! And...The output stage and Eq section were alll designed by David Rees, the designer of the 2254 Limiter/Comp, (who incidentally STILL designs for Phoenix Audio (UK)), on top of that, if anyone that owns an earlier GTQ2 wants to have a look, the name Shaun Leveque and Phoenix Audio (UK) are stamped all over the PCB's. All of the prototyping was done at Phoenix Audio (UK), and all was paid for initially by Phoenix Audio (UK), as Tanner didn't have the skills needed to lay out PCB's, or the funds to build a prototype.
Want evidence of all this??? I'd be happy to post all the original PCB Gerber files, drawings and schematics, all of which are date stamped. as evidence to the fact that all design work was done in the UK, and mainly by David Rees and Shaun Leveque, along with the Autocad drawings of the Chassis that I drew up for production.
Phoenix Audio (UK) still sell the original output stage (TF1) and transformer used in the GTQ2 as a Class A retro-fit for Neve modules. We have since moved on from the TF1 and continued to develope the DSOP2 output stage.
Posting from previous threads.... The GTQ-2 is Neve to the core and has custom wound input transformers that are wound by the same people who worked for Marinair Radar (the original "NEVE transformer" winding staff).
Actually.......The input transformer is NOT "custom wound" It is a 10468 that is re-packaged into an epoxy resin, rather than the original metal can, to save on production costs. If it WERE custom wound, it couldn't by definition be "Neve to the core", on top of that, I'm not entirely sure that Amethyst Designs (the transformer manufacturers) EVER had anything to do with Marinair........
So, to reiterate...If the output stage and EQ section were designed by David Rees originally for totally different applications, then pirated by Tanner, and the Mic input stage was originally a very early Neve circuit that has been slightly modified.....This hardly adds up to "Neve to the core".
Pour le lien sur tout le thread:
Hors sujet :
Hey Shaun,
Did you ever work for Neve??? You talk a lot of smack and are pissing all over my posts.. If Aurora Audio is such a bad company that you are trying to paint them out to be, you should be happy that I was trying to explain to people that your DRS-2 has nothing to do with a GTQ2. I have to answer this question over and over, and the purpose of the post was to illustrate that these products are not the same. Now, to answer some of your accusations...
"The Phoenix LOGO was designed by Kevin Dunston who works for Retail Graphics in the UK.......The logo was designed under Shaun Leveque's specific instructions, so that Shaun Leveque could put up a sign outside the 1000 Square foot+ workshop rented by Phoenix Audio (UK)."
1. I appreciate you clearing up the fact that you had the Phoenix logo designed. That proves???... right. not a damm thing about the designs of your products compared to Aurora Audio. Just that you paid for a guy to draw something.. I don't think anyone really cares
"It was Shaun Leveque that established and built Phoenix Audio (UK) from nothing. Phoenix Audio (UK) was first registered with the VAT office in the UK in July 1996."
2.If you reread what I said, I was illustrating the fact that Phoenix Audio was prior to Aurora Audio.. It never states that you were brought into the company at a later date, does it?
"I find it ammusing that customers have to finance the build of equipment in advance."
3. Although it's none of your business, we are not financing Aurora Audio's development. All deposits for gear (whether paid in full or part) is held by PAD. So, shoots that theory down buddy. Nice try though. I'm sure if I were you I would try to paint a bad picture of a competitor too...
"I understand this to be correct as Tanner phoned the David Rees hoping to get help with the problem"
4. Yeah, that's really strange... two old Neve guys talking about circuit designs. What's wrong with that? David Rees probably had his hands in building lots of classic Neve pieces, and I'm sure the people out there would be glad to know he helped make the new GTQ2mkIII.
"So, to reiterate...If the output stage and EQ section were designed by David Rees originally for totally different applications, then pirated by Tanner, and the Mic input stage was originally a very early Neve circuit that has been slightly modified.....This hardly adds up to "Neve to the core"."
5. You are really making it seem like Geoff just threw a bunch of parts into a box and called it a mic pre... If this is really such a mish mash of all these things, then why does it sound so good? Why does it have the characteristics that everyone has come to love about Neve 1073's, etc. but with a more improved top end. So according to you the mic pre is an original Neve design that's modified. If that is the case than I think that pretty much means it is Neve to the core. Let me fill you in on something Shaun, most of the classic Neve products combined designs from other products to make something new. Take a 2254 or 33609 for instance. They were all based on previous Neve circuits that were "mish mashed" together to make a compressor. The point is that there is nothing you can say about a GTQ2 that will make it sound any less incredible than it does. And having "lower noise", an additional frequency in the mid band and an impedance switch makes it an even more incredible product thanks to Geoff and the additional input from David Rees.
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