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Sujet Préampli deux entrées pour Tape-guitare (registre basse et guitare)

  • 15 réponses
  • 5 participants
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Sujet de la discussion Préampli deux entrées pour Tape-guitare (registre basse et guitare)

Je suis musicien et je joue de la tape-guitare, instrument stéréo où la main droite joue un rôle de basse ou/et accords et la main droite accords ou/et mélodie. Jusqu'à présent je préamplifiais en mono sur un Mesa Boogie mais j'ai vraiment besoin d'une préamplification stéréo pour que la basse pêche et que la mélodie sorte lead.
Avez-vous une idée pour un préampli deux canaux à la fois valable pour basse et guitare muni d'un EQ?


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Je t'ai recopié quelques éléments de la conversation que j'avais eue avec Greg Howard sur Stickwire (c'est du copier/coller de plusieurs réponses de Greg, aussi le discours n'est pas cohérent, mais les idées sont là). Si tu as des questions, tu peux y aller, Sangheeta et moi avons un petit peu essayé le prototype... :D:

I have a prototype of a new foot-pedal device which should be available pretty soon that includes two excellent preamps with 3-band sweep-mid eq and a routing mechanism for sending your effects here and there as needed. It will not be cheap, but it will be a very useful device for anyone who wants to have a clean front end for their effects-pedal or rackmount-based effects system.

The pedal I'm working on can do what you ask, but without the MIDI. I guess I can see where MIDI would fit into the equation, and it would be something to look at for future devices, but for now, it won't have it.
I laid out the footswitches so that they are close enough together to hit two switches with one step if you like.
For example lets call the inputs 1 and 2 and the outputs A and B
Four switches (lets call them 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B) control active or bypass for each input to each output.
Here are some of the possible settings all switches off 1A off 1B off 2A off 2B off this is a full bypass setting, so I can plug in my Stick wthout pops etc (though the heqadphone/tuner out is still active) with two steps I can turn 1A on and 2B on leaving me here 1A ON 1B off 2A off 2B ON with only one step, reaching the third and fourth switches at the same time I can send 2 from B to A: 1A ON 1B off 2A ON 2B off or if I had stepped on the first and second I'd have 1A off 1B ON 2A off 2B ON If I want to swap the two inputs, it requires two steps to go from this: 1A ON 1B off 2A off 2B ON to this 1A off 1B ON 2A ON 2B off any combination is possible including some you didn't show, like 1A ON 1B ON 2A ON 2B off 1A off 1B ON 2A ON 2B ON 1A ON 1B off 2A off 2B off (let's say you're playing a part on the bass side, and you want the melody side off, only turning it on occasionally to send something into a loop, for example). etc.
the switches cause no popping in the signal and they have a blue LED indicator to show when they are active.
This device will also be very handy if you double on Stick and bass. If you need to plug the bass side of The Stick and the bass into the same effects stream you can use input 1 for the Stick bass and input 2 for the bass guitar. each input channel has its own volume and tone controls, so you can match them up easily to route them along the same path to your amp. Bypass the one you're not using.

Thanks for the enthusiastic inquiry.
I hope to have pictures up from the recent European trip soon.
The device now has a name: The StepABout(TM)
The concept of the StepABout is different than the SP-13, for example. Since it's on the floor, I didn't want to decide for the musician what happens after the effects chains, so there are not effects loops, expanders or inserts. I'd rather let the player decide how to mix signals after this first step. Adding mixing or effects loops would add to the cost and the size, and I've found that Stick players tend to be very particular about their setups. So how you mix and amplify your sound is up to you.
My main impetus for it was to have a great signal and the ability to create mono signal paths off of the Stickup. Since the tone control should always be the first step, this seemed like the most convenient way to do both.
So this is what you'll get: Stick Bass out ---> input 1 --->BassLabXX preamp --> Headphone amp/tuner out --> routing matrix --> Stick Melody out ---> input 2 -->BassLabXX preamp --> Headphone amp/tuner out --> routing matrix --> Now after the signals have been sent into the routing matrix: routing matrix A out --> effects chain 1 --> amp #1 or mixer input routing matrix B out --> effects chain 2 --> amp #2 or mixer input The headphone/tuner out is always active (when a cable is plugged into it, summed mono signal) so when you have all the input/output switches bypassed you can still tune or unplug without pops in your system.
Dimensions: 8" left to right, 6" front to back, 2.75" from the top of the knobs to the bottom. The housing is all metal, for ruggedness, so the prototype I have weighs about 3 lbs. It has two very high-quality preamps in it, so it's not cheap. I believe the price will be somewhere between 500 and 600 Euros, but that's not been decided. I realize this might put it out of some people's price range, but I wanted to make sure that the best possible signal was created, and to have all of the function in a convenient size for pedal boards.

I found that, even with all the other switches I have on the floor, it's not much of a dance to use it, and I'm a control freak, so I'd rather have flexibility than having erverything mapped out ahead of time. Still I can see how you'd want that in some situations, and the MIDI mixer seems like a good option.

Mon projet principal, KREPYSKYL

site web




Mes ventes : Cioks DC5 - Rockboard 4.1 + MOD - Pedaltrain Metro 20

Thanks for the post. That's exactly what we need!
Simply amazing.
Oups... j'en oubliais presque que vous êtes français
Ce sont visiblement les mêmes preamps utilisés dans leurs basses. Ca donne du son? du gros son?
Je cherche aussi voir s'il existe des overdrives 2 canaux mais je n'en ai pas encore trouvé
A priori j'aurais tendance à dire que les preamps sont de bien meilleure qualité que le Rane. L'égaliseur est moins complexe mais plus efficace. Et pour peu qu'on ait deux multi effets, on peut exploiter à fond ce nouveau joujou. Je pense craquer pour un achat dès qu'il sort, je ferai un petit avis là-dessus :clin:

Mon projet principal, KREPYSKYL

site web




Mes ventes : Cioks DC5 - Rockboard 4.1 + MOD - Pedaltrain Metro 20

Juste deux lignes pour signaler à ceux que cela intéresse (et dieu sait s'ils sont... peu) que ce fameux double préampli/routeur répondant au doux nom de StepABout, fait désormais partie de ma collection. Il n'est pas encore commercialisé (il le sera en janvier 2007), mais j'en ai le tout premier exemplaire :8)
Que dire... C'est une TUERIE! :oo: J'essaierai de poster un avis d'ici la fin de l'année, avec quelques photos également.
Bref, gardez un oeil sur le site de Stick enterprises ou sur le site de Basslab! :clin:

Mon projet principal, KREPYSKYL

site web




Mes ventes : Cioks DC5 - Rockboard 4.1 + MOD - Pedaltrain Metro 20

Alors, ce préampli ?
Ben il est sorti officiellement (enfin...!!!)
J'ai fait un banc d'essai pour le site de mon asso : et tu trouveras des infos sur le forum de la page AF dédiée (cherche StepABout chez Basslab) :clin:

Mon projet principal, KREPYSKYL

site web




Mes ventes : Cioks DC5 - Rockboard 4.1 + MOD - Pedaltrain Metro 20