Acheter neuf Radial Engineering Jensen Twin-Servo 500
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Annonces Jensen Twin-Servo 500
Alerte nouvelle annonceForums Radial Engineering Jensen Twin-Servo 500
Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Radial Engineering
- Modèle : Jensen Twin-Servo 500
- Catégorie : Préamplis à transistors
- Fiche créée le : 21/01/2016
First developed by Deane Jensen, the Twin-Servo was created to be the finest microphone amplifier possible. Reimaged for today, the unique design cruises along in Class-A then transitions to class-AB only when pushed to extremes. Part of the magic is maximizing the gain-margin so that no matter what the input, the lowest possible distortion will be realized. In order to eliminate phase shift, all capacitors were removed from the signal path and replaced by two servos, two 990 op-amps and two Jensen transformers. The ‘unlimited bandwidth’ enables the design to reproduce the widest bandwidth and fattest bass ever heard.
Developed with the Jensen engineering team, the Twin-Servo 500 has been faithfully reproduced following Deane’s original recipe.
Préamplis à transistors concurrents
Autres catégories dans Préamplis microphones
Autres dénominations : jensentwinservo 500, jensentwinservo500, jensen twin servo500, jensentwinservo