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Ma batterie virtuelle de référence
Publié le 30/04/23 à 00:311 photoJe l'utilise dans Logic Pro X, Mac Pro mid 2012, SSD et 48 Go de Ram. Hyper stable, jamais eu de plantage, ni de pb de latence ou autre.
Le plugin est simple à prendre en main, je ne me suis jamais servi d'un quelconque manuel même s'il doit y en avoir un qque part...
Perso je dispos des kits de base suivants : Fairfax vol.1 et 2, Black Velvet... He beh pétard, ça sonne !! ça rebondit, on peut tout éditer, bref c'est hyper complet. Je ne parle pas des grooves que je n'utilise pas, je préfère faire le job moi-même, grâce à une batterie électronique Alesis Nitro Mesh que j'utilise en guise de surface de contrôle, connectée en USB à l'ordi et tout de suite reconnue dans Logic Pro... Bon …Lire la suiteJe l'utilise dans Logic Pro X, Mac Pro mid 2012, SSD et 48 Go de Ram. Hyper stable, jamais eu de plantage, ni de pb de latence ou autre.
Le plugin est simple à prendre en main, je ne me suis jamais servi d'un quelconque manuel même s'il doit y en avoir un qque part...
Perso je dispos des kits de base suivants : Fairfax vol.1 et 2, Black Velvet... He beh pétard, ça sonne !! ça rebondit, on peut tout éditer, bref c'est hyper complet. Je ne parle pas des grooves que je n'utilise pas, je préfère faire le job moi-même, grâce à une batterie électronique Alesis Nitro Mesh que j'utilise en guise de surface de contrôle, connectée en USB à l'ordi et tout de suite reconnue dans Logic Pro... Bon plan, non ?
Ce que j'aime le plus : tout, je referais cet achat les yeux fermés.
Ce que j'aime le moins : je cherche encore.Lire moins00Eric Leroy Music
très bon outil
Publié le 08/02/15 à 13:48J'utilise ce logiciel depuis maintenant plusieures années sur une configuration Cubase.
La protection contre le piratage est dans la norme de ce qui se fait actuellement.
J'apprécie particulièrement sa polyvalence à tous les niveaux : choix des sets de batteries, le réalisme des échantillons, le grand nombre de fonctions de paramètrage.
Les grooves fournis sont de qualité et ont peut les augmenter avec d'autres bibliothèques.
La possibilité que j'apprécie le plus, c'est de pouvoir importer dans cubase tous les éléments de batterie dans des pistes séparées. ce qui permet de traiter chaque élément de façon individuel.
Lire la suiteJ'utilise ce logiciel depuis maintenant plusieures années sur une configuration Cubase.
La protection contre le piratage est dans la norme de ce qui se fait actuellement.
J'apprécie particulièrement sa polyvalence à tous les niveaux : choix des sets de batteries, le réalisme des échantillons, le grand nombre de fonctions de paramètrage.
Les grooves fournis sont de qualité et ont peut les augmenter avec d'autres bibliothèques.
La possibilité que j'apprécie le plus, c'est de pouvoir importer dans cubase tous les éléments de batterie dans des pistes séparées. ce qui permet de traiter chaque élément de façon individuel.
Lire moins200tofe
Un excellent logiciel de batterie virtuelle
Publié le 22/10/13 à 15:13Aucun souci de mise en oeuvre. il suffit d'installer le le logiciel. Cela prends un peu de temps pour télécharger les banques de données de plusieurs Giga.
L'installer est bien fait.
J'ai un portable Dell qui a environ 3 ans (Intel I3, W7 32 bits, 4 giga de ram, disque à 7200 tours).
Le logiciel fonctionne très bien, cela prend dix à quinze secondes pour charger les kits, mais après ça aucune latence, ni plantage.
Stabilité à toute épreuve, aucun plantage depuis presque un an que je l'ai.
A noter que je fais de la musique depuis pas mal de temps (une bonne dizaine d'années), mais que je ne suis pas un crack en MAO.
J'ai essayé la …Lire la suiteAucun souci de mise en oeuvre. il suffit d'installer le le logiciel. Cela prends un peu de temps pour télécharger les banques de données de plusieurs Giga.
L'installer est bien fait.
J'ai un portable Dell qui a environ 3 ans (Intel I3, W7 32 bits, 4 giga de ram, disque à 7200 tours).
Le logiciel fonctionne très bien, cela prend dix à quinze secondes pour charger les kits, mais après ça aucune latence, ni plantage.
Stabilité à toute épreuve, aucun plantage depuis presque un an que je l'ai.
A noter que je fais de la musique depuis pas mal de temps (une bonne dizaine d'années), mais que je ne suis pas un crack en MAO.
J'ai essayé la version démo, et j'ai compris qu'avec le midi je pouvais créer mes pistes de batterie et les jouer avec un son de vraie batterie. Woaw !!! le logiciel était en promo en ce début d'année et en le téléchargeant sur musiciansfriend le prix était ridicule (actuellement il est à moins de 120 euros hors promo, frais de port = 0 puisque le site vous envoie un code d'activation en moins de 24H).
A noter que je n'ai rien essayé d'autre à part quelques freewares sans intérêt dont j'ai oublié les noms.
Au niveau des sons, rien à dire, ça pète et c'est varié, même avec les kits de base.
Ce soft me sert pour deux utilisation :
Avec mon DAW je crée mes pistes midi de batterie avec mon vieux GP 5, je les importe et basta, cela me sert de base à mes enregistrements.
Depuis un mois ou deux, une version standalone est apparue, avec ça je peux jouer des patterns de batterie sans lancer mon DAW. Ca me permet de bosser mes partie de basse avec un son de vraie batterie.
A noter que je n'avais pas compris comment jouer mes fichiers midi, et que le forum XLN Audio est très réactif. On a toujours des réponses aux questions en moins de 24H. Sinon la doc est plutôt bien faite aussi.
N'étant pas un expert en MAO, je me contente des nombreux presets, d'autant que j'ai acheté le pack Funk et le pack Black Velvet (J'ai encore profité d'une promo, un pack acheté=un pack gratuit, plus fort que la lessive en poudre), les possibilités sont énormes pour un amateur comme moi je suis largement comblé. Pour ceux qui ont un son en tête avec tous les nombreux paramétrages de compression/egalisation/reverb/saturation disponible, je pense que l'on peut vraiment créer ce que l'on veut.
Les packs midi sont sympa, mais je ne les utilise pas beaucoup. Je préfère créer les miens, même si les miens n'ont pas la subtilité et la dynamique de patterns enregistrés par de vrais batteurs.
En résumé je suis extrêmement satisfait de ce logiciel, certes l'investissement de base est conséquent, mais en fin de compte pas tant que ça. Comme avec de nombreux logiciels de musique (je pense à Amplitube par exemple), il faut être à l'affut des promos si on est un peu ricrac.
Le rapport qualité prix est excellent, même à 120 ou 150 euros ....
Lire moins40JoeW1
Publié le 23/03/13 à 22:28(contenu en anglais)
I did not have any compatibility issues while using Addictive Drums by XLN Audio.
The manual included with the product is very practical , you get a full understanding of the channels , the groove elements and the effects page.
The general setup is quite simple and fast , no difficult tweaking required.
The typical functions are well designed , you get multiple pages with effects racks and you get another page of the drums in their initial state.
The software works decent , the program has a nice stability , no bugs or delays in maintaining the groove.
I'm getting very nice performances while using this drum kit , I've been using it for a while now , I suppose about 2 years.
What I like most about this product , are the 3 kits provided with the program , the additional drum elements like toms and rides are also present.
I also like the fact that you have effects for each channel , you have an eq , a compressor , a limiter and a dist effect.
A lot of presets are also included with the program , different grooves sorted by genre , bpm and length , you get also a bus channel that has a low pass and hi pass filter included.
The control that you have over the pitch , sound texture , volume , levels , is very handy and well designed.
My opinion about the value for the price is awesome , you get this realistic sample based drum kit at a decent price.
Precision and quality of the sound 10/10.
I've tried several drum kits , there's something unique about this product , the quality , the presets , the midi library , the sync with your Daw , everything is great.
Knowing what I know , I would buy this product if I'll need something that can be used in different songs.
Des hauts et des bas, mais globalement grands
Publié le 02/03/13 à 22:00(contenu en anglais)
XLN Audio’s Addictive Drums is very easy to use and does not take long to understand at all. I fully understood how to work this plug in within a matter of minutes. I really love all of the compression and EQ capabilities that can be done when working with each individual sound separately. I am not a huge fan of the way the drums sound as is or even the kits that first come with it. I think they could have included some better kits that have more a “jazz” sound. Some of the distorted kits are really good though if you spend the time tweaking and EQ’ing them.
I have never experienced any crashes or freezes working with Addictive Drums and it has become one of my favorite drumming plug ins over the years because I can run it many times simultaneously and not have to worry about it crashing or slowing down at all being that I like to have most of my drums on different channels and not all in the same pattern.
All of the basic functions of Addictive Drums are easy to work with and understand. Changing kits and adding patterns and fills is simple. I do not like most of the patterns though, and when it comes to changing patterns based on Tempo and BPM it can get really confusing because if you are in double time or regular time they patterns cannot be automatically changed you have to go in and manual move the MIDI notes which can be a daunting task. For the price that Addictive Drums cost I recommend purchasing it and getting some more kits for it based on the style of music that you are creating. Right out of the box it will have everything you need if you want to spend some time tweaking the sounds and molding them to fit your style of music but there are a lot of options to change and work with.10Azuma
Publié le 25/02/13 à 17:30(contenu en anglais)
There weren't any kind of compatibility problems , the program works on any platform either Windows XP, Windows Seven or MAC OS.
The manual provided with the program was perfect, I liked how every single aspect of the drums was well explained, well detailed , all the information regarding mixing and editing was there.
General configuration and setup is an up front one , very easy and fast to understand.
The software works without a doubt as good as it can. The stability of it is perfect.
The functions and the performances are very nice , I think this is one of the most powerful tools having in your daw , a great drum set which sounds as natural as it can .
I've been using this product for about 1 year , but I really really like and use it daily.
What I like most about is the sync of tempo with the daw itself , I like how natural and well panned sound the drums and the fact that you can edit the drums , you can eq them in the same plugin without using a lot of effects racks and waste time.
I like also the mixer provided with the product itself , you can easily adjust the compression , volume , panning and everything you need to make your groove sound even better.
This product has also some great expansions that can be used in a lot of different songs , either hip hop or something that sounds more rock , like metal , funk rock or pop rock.
Another fact to mention is that unlikes other drums set , this product doesn't use as much cpu power as you may think it does , so it's quite a pleasure to work with it.
Balance between price and quality is great , I would rate precision and quality of sounds with 10/10.00soultreemedia
Idéal pour les sons de batterie en direct!
Publié le 17/08/12 à 03:43(contenu en anglais)
XLN Audio Addictive Drums is a live drum emulator compatible with Macs and PCs in the AU, VST, and RTAS format. The installation was a largely painless affair, that took around 20 minutes total. In this ear of massive ROMplers, and even larger hard drives, the samples included with Addictive Drums are relatively miniscule, and come in well under 10 GBs. Just be sure to select a suitable location to store your samples.
Addictive Drums is a breeze to use in every DAW I've tried - and I use several. FL Studio, Ableton Live, Sonar, Logic, Studio One - Addictive Drums worked equally well with all of them. I particularly remind it Ableton, as the real-time tempo changes in Ableton really works well with the timing of some of the MIDI grooves that are included with Addictive Drums.
Speaking of the MIDI grooves, AD comes loaded with a ton of grooves in a few styles, and can be expanded with several add-on MIDI packs. Programming a drum groove in your DAW is a simple drag and drop affair, and can be done really quickly.
A feature that I haven't made use of yet, is its compatibility with pretty much every MIDI drum set imaginable. GREAT for live performance, or studio work for a producer who can afford a live drummer, but not an infinite variety of drums.
Also included are several options to modify the sounds of your drums. Hefty routing options, miking configurations, and effects allow you to really personalize your drum parts. There are insert effects for every channel, as well as send and master effects.
Overall, Addictive Drums is my go-to live drums VSTI. If I want to incorporate a realistic, editable trap set in a production, this is the instrument I open reflexively. It provides hundreds of grooves, and can be expanded to include thousands more. Its easy to use, and easy on your system resources. And these days, extremely easy on your wallet!01BeyondR
Publié le 28/07/12 à 15:30(contenu en anglais)
Xln Audio Addictive Drums, the general design of the program is easy to follow, the installation doesn't require a very long time, the typical functions are also a fast catch, one of the greatest features of the program is the simplicity provided with it.
The software works extremely well without using a lot of cpu resources, the level of stability is without a doubt to mention.
I've been using addictive drums for a couple of years and so far everything went even more than perfect.
I really do enjoy the sounds provided by XLN, I can incorporate them in my rock-pop songs and they would sound nearly human.
What I like the most about XLN Audio Addictive Drums is the design provided and the sounds that sound extremely good in a mix, I also do enjoy the build-in grooves and the function to use the groove synced with the tempo of your song to make it right on beat.
The value of money is nothing compared to the functions provided by the program, I've been using plenty of other drums programs that couldn't even compete with the Addictive Drums, the quality, the hq sounds, the different drum sounds, it's really great concerning building a groove on your own pc in your studio or just at home.
It has a nice build-in eq that you can use to shape your drums in your own way and create a catchy groove in your songs.
I'm completely sure that if I should make the choice over and over again, I would go with the dynamic sounds by the XLN Audio Addictive Drums, they really changed my whole perspective regarding building drums on your own pc that could compete with real drums, and in some cases even beat them, so don't hesitate, if you're searching for some really nice drums for your pop-rock-indie songs, this review is for you, I hope I've helped some of you regarding drum sequencing.00Los Teignos
Une batterie virtuelle pour songwritters
Publié le 29/05/12 à 13:48Installation et autorisation se font sans problème. A noter que le soft n'existe pour l'heure qu'en version 32 bits mais qu'il est compatible avec le Wrapper JBridge, ce qui me permet de l'utiliser sous Windows Seven 64 bits. Je n'ai pas lu le manuel, mais la configuration générale ne m'a pas posé de problème particulier : l'interface est pour le coup particulièrement claire.
Je l'utilise sous Seven 64 bits avec un Core i7/16 Go de RAM et un disque dur hybride SSD. Aucun problème à noter, c'est même sans doute la batterie qui se charge la plus rapidement de celles dont je dispose (EZdrummer, Superior, BFD Eco)
Je l'utilise pendant un an e…Lire la suiteInstallation et autorisation se font sans problème. A noter que le soft n'existe pour l'heure qu'en version 32 bits mais qu'il est compatible avec le Wrapper JBridge, ce qui me permet de l'utiliser sous Windows Seven 64 bits. Je n'ai pas lu le manuel, mais la configuration générale ne m'a pas posé de problème particulier : l'interface est pour le coup particulièrement claire.
Je l'utilise sous Seven 64 bits avec un Core i7/16 Go de RAM et un disque dur hybride SSD. Aucun problème à noter, c'est même sans doute la batterie qui se charge la plus rapidement de celles dont je dispose (EZdrummer, Superior, BFD Eco)
Je l'utilise pendant un an et je l'ai racheté d'occasion à un autre utilisateur, avec les banques de son qui vont bien. Certes, les batteries ne sont pas aussi détaillées que celles d'un BFD ou d'un Superior, mais le soft se rattrape sur quantité d'autres points : son browser de grooves un petit peu mieux foutu qu'ailleurs, la possibilité de contraindre la dynamique MIDI des grooves ou de filtrer des notes au-delà ou en deçà d'une certaine vélocité, et surtout, surtout, ses effets intégrés.
En vis-à-vis de BFD et Superior, l'aire de jeu est en effet plus grande et certains presets proposent des batteries très trafiquées : on peut aller vers du vintage comme de l'indus ou de l'electro et du lo-fi, sans problème. Bref, c'est une batterie virtuelle qui propose des idées là où les autres me semblent plus attentistes.
J'ai hâte de voir la suite du soft car, bien qu'un peu vieux et toujours pas 64 bits, Addictive reste très intéressant. Côté politique commerciale, XLN audio me semble aussi plus généreux que Toontrack : avec des add-ons moins chers notamment. Parmi ces derniers, une banque de grooves pas carrés façon batteur amateur m'a semblé intéressante, notamment, mais il y a aussi des choses pas mal du tout ailleurs. Bref, un bon plan...
Lire moins61stompboxjon
Juste ce que je cherchais pour
Publié le 22/05/12 à 19:17(contenu en anglais)
XLN Audio Addictive Drums is hands down the best virtual drumming program on the market today. I have been nothing but completely satisfied with everything about this plug in, everything is right in front of you not crazy menus to get what you want. It is very easy to change our kits out too, and the kits are very good all of the kits are great quality and there are even some retro kits and fun kits with weird effects on them but it all adds to your creativity.
Very easy to install and authorize, you will need internet connect to authorize the program though. If you have any problems getting it set up, XLN staff is on hand to really help you in that department and they will make sure you get it up and running.
Overall, it’s a very powerful plug in for drums (its not stand alone, so its plug in only.) Its easy to set up in any daw or sequencing program as long as you have it in your plug in vst folder your program should recognize it. One thing that I didn’t like about this software is the full price of it was way to high for me. I feel like they could bring the price down a lot for a program that does NO synths and No sequencing. You are paying all that money just for some drum kits and drum patters and fills. Its just a little overpriced to me, but it does sound amazing and is the most realistic one that I have tried this far. I have tried several other “real” drum kits and plug ins but Addictive Drums by XLN takes the cake by far. You can even download a trial or free version from there website but keep in mind that the free version really limits you and only has one kit with no toms just a basic kick snare and a few hats and cymbals and you really cant get the full effect of the software untill you buy it. Look around online for discounts and see if you can get the price down some though.
Génial et léger
Publié le 02/04/12 à 17:08Configuration générale hyper facile, pas vraiment besoin d'un manuel.
Il tourne très bien sur un Macbook (fin 2006) Core2Duo de 2Ghz avec 2Gb de ram.
--> Tourne très bien sur les petites configs.
Très stable.
Je l'utilise depuis plus d'un an. J'ai essayé Modern Drummer de Native Instruments mais il ne m'a pas plu, en comparaison d'Addictive Drums.
Addictive Drums sonne vraiment réalise, sans même commencer à toucher au traitement. C'est bluffant.
Les effets (EQ, Comp, Tape) sont de qualité moyenne, pas très précis. Mais il est possible de router les pistes dans le séquenceur.
On a vraiment l'impression de travailler avec des p…Lire la suiteConfiguration générale hyper facile, pas vraiment besoin d'un manuel.
Il tourne très bien sur un Macbook (fin 2006) Core2Duo de 2Ghz avec 2Gb de ram.
--> Tourne très bien sur les petites configs.
Très stable.
Je l'utilise depuis plus d'un an. J'ai essayé Modern Drummer de Native Instruments mais il ne m'a pas plu, en comparaison d'Addictive Drums.
Addictive Drums sonne vraiment réalise, sans même commencer à toucher au traitement. C'est bluffant.
Les effets (EQ, Comp, Tape) sont de qualité moyenne, pas très précis. Mais il est possible de router les pistes dans le séquenceur.
On a vraiment l'impression de travailler avec des prises de batterie parfaites, avec lesquelles de bonnes prods sont réalisables (si la programmation est de qualité).
Il y a sans doute aujourd'hui des produits supérieurs mais beaucoup plus lourds et peut-être plus chers. Personnellement il me convient parfaitement.Lire moins20Anonyme
Publié le 28/03/12 à 18:17sans prob
Carrément le top.
Cet outil est vraiment plus qu'interessant,le travail qu'on peut faire sur chaques elements....
J'ai testé une drumloop (un sample) bien crasseuse ds Live en syncro avec addictive.
Je me suis choisis mont kit ds addictive (+pitch,volume) avant.
Et le résultat est sympa.On arrive à des beats à la Cypress HLire la suitesans prob
Carrément le top.
Cet outil est vraiment plus qu'interessant,le travail qu'on peut faire sur chaques elements....
J'ai testé une drumloop (un sample) bien crasseuse ds Live en syncro avec addictive.
Je me suis choisis mont kit ds addictive (+pitch,volume) avant.
Et le résultat est sympa.On arrive à des beats à la Cypress HLire moins11JackLudden
Publié le 12/08/08 à 04:11(contenu en anglais)
This drum sampler installed without any problems. Installation was quick, easy, and streamlined so you don't have to get into a bunch of computer lingo and sample copying. I had no compatibility issues with Windows XP and Sonar 7 Producer Edition. The general configuration is quite simple - just run the installer, register, and bam, you're up and running. The manual was quite in depth and covered all the bases very well.
My computer is a Windows XP system with an Intel motherboard, dual core Intel processor, 4GB of Ram, an 80GB Raptor hard drive for audio and 3 500GB data drives. The software loaded up just fine and there were no conflicts. I have not yet encountered any strange bugs or errors, so it seems to be a well written plug-in. The sample sizes are reasonably small and there isn't a long annoying wait time to load all of them like many other sample based programs.
I have been using this program for a few months. I really like the great drum sounds you can get from it, first and foremost. Each individual drum sounds really great, and you can customize your kit to a great extent. There are varied sample layers, so each drum has a range from soft hits to harder hits depending on velocity. Also serial triggers such as snare rolls do very well with avoiding the much hated "machine gun" effect, probably due to multiple sampling of the same drum. All of the drum sounds are very editable and customizable to your song as well. There is really no excuse to not getting a very good sounding acoustic drum kit that fits your song well with the power of this program. In addition to this, you are provided with a very large collection of pre-arranged midi files in different styles and tempos. This makes song building a lot easier, since you can find a groove that's pretty close to what you want, drop it into your midi editor, and tweak it to be what you're looking for. I have used a few other drum samplers, and this one stacks up very well. It's a great value for the price - great sounding drums and very realistic drum patterns to go with them. I would definitely get it again knowing what I know now.00DJ Henny
Échantillons de batterie décent que le manque quelque chose.
Publié le 12/03/11 à 19:39(contenu en anglais)
This VST installed brilliantly and as it should. It has worked great on just the one of my computers. I have used it on a low end computer (1.8GHZ pentium and 1gb ram) as well as my current (2.5GHZ Core2Quad & 4GB ram). On the low end PC it is generally unpleasant as it does not have enough power to process the sounds well. This is because of the resources this VST demands. This VST is mainly big on CPU usage, the main flaw of my low pc. On the high end computer it worked well and the sound quality is good. It installed perfectly and runs brilliantly without a hiccup at all. The library is easily accessable on the main window. They are all nicely organised through what types of percussion it is and the specification of the different types of instrument. It works nicely in both of the DAW's that I use, Ableton and FL Studio.
This VST loads surprisingly quick and well, I was under the impression that it would be slow and labourous like EZ Drummer, however it is pretty much the opposite. The sound quality is decent enough but I can't help but feel like there is too much effects on some of the samples at times. These can be turned off and down but it doesn't feel the same. This VST is remarkably stable for its type, much more than the likes of EZ Drummer. Maybe that is just me assuming that because of previous experience of live drum VST's. I have been using this sample pack for a few weeks now and have used pretty much every sound there is in the pack.
These drums are great if used in the right way. You can use these drums in nearly any type of music creation, including rock and hip hop, and sometimes pop if used in moderation. The sound quality is great however some of the sounds are effect heavy. As previously stateed, you can turn off any of the effects you wish by using the effects button which takes you to a screen fo the different effects applied to each sound. Of course these can be removed and tweaked at any time. These drums are well made enough for me to say that I am glad I got them, especially the snare samples. They are snappy and sharp and sound very well in any mix.00Anonyme
Juste au sujet du programme le plus facile tambour autour.
Publié le 14/07/11 à 21:59(contenu en anglais)
XLN Audio's Addictive Drums is remarkably easy to begin using. I do not think I have ever experienced a drum program that got me something mind blowing in two clicks of the mouse. That is because XLN Audio recognized the importance of a very psychologically intensely encouraging feature: presets.
Addictive Drums essentially functions on presets. You are just messing with all of them, and then one of them catches your eye (or ear, rather). Before you know it, you are lost in the sound, then you say to yourself, "I think that these toms could use a bit more oomph" so you dial up the FX on the toms. Maybe you switch the toms out entirely.
The pacing of guiding a user to what he or she wants in a drum sound is spot on. Not even the most helpless newbie can feel lost using Addictive Drums, because XLN Audio also provides a few videos to get you up and running!
Addictive Drums has a very small footprint, and runs absolutely like a dream. There is very little to say about the program except that it is very smooth.
Now, I will not mince words. Addictive Drums is not the very best sampled library in existence. In fact, while I hate using objective and quantifiable measurements for something as subjective as sound, you can tell that the size of the library just is not as impressive as something like Toon Track's Superior, for example.
However, Superior is a lumbering beast of a program, and no matter how many people tell me how good their drums sound, when I find out that they have taken months and months to perfect it, I immediately get turned off. It is not that I don't have a patience, but practically speaking, I can get 90% of the way there with two clicks of the mouse, and that just makes more sense for me.00
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