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Dave Smith Instruments Tetra
Dave Smith Instruments Tetra

Sujet Beta Main OS 1.6.11 !!!

  • 4 réponses
  • 2 participants
  • 2 911 vues
Sujet de la discussion Beta Main OS 1.6.11 !!!

il y a apparemment pas mal d'améliorations par rapport aux versions officielles:

Citation :

Main OS 1.6.11

Fixed bug: Crash when editing program names under certain circumstances
Fixed bug: Several places when editing layer B where changing the param had no effect (params that only exist on layer A like unison modes and pushit button params)
Fixed bug: Programs sent over USB corrupted, off by one byte
Fixed bug: BPM not being refreshed on the screen correctly
Fixed bug: Using assign param knobs could cause name characters to go beyond valid bounds
Fixed bug: Several small bugs related to name handling
Fixed bug: Several small bugs related to cleanup before/after transitions between states

Main OS 1.6.7b

Added OSC 1 and OSC 2 Wave Reset; control with NRPNs 102 and 103
MIDI Program changes in combo mode while multi is on now change combos rather than the program on the individual voice. Makes more sense this way
NRPN Inc MIDI messages could cause a param to go over the upper bound, this may have been responsible for some unconfirmed MIDI problems
Saving programs in Program Mode while multi is on fixed; initialization was not correct causing saves to the wrong place unless you changed the save location before pressing write

Main OS 1.6.6b

Fixed tuning issue on voice 2

Main OS 1.6.5b

Saving programs now works in program mode while multi is on, you can select the save destination after you press the 'write' button
Added 2 NRPN commands to query the program and bank of a currently selected program when multi mode is on:
Sending NRPN 414 with data 0-3 (corresponding to voices 1-4) returns NRPN 414 with the currently selected program on that voice
Sending NRPN 415 with data 0-3 (corresponding to voices 1-4) returns NRPN 415 with the currently selected bank on that voice
Added response to NRPN 413 to query the current mode of the Tetra:
Sending NRPN 413 with data 0 selects Program Mode
Sending NRPN 413 with data 1 selects Combo Mode
Sending NRPN 413 with data 2 (or any value other than 1 or 0) returns NRPN 413 with either a data of 0 if the Tetra is in Program mode or a dat aof 1 if the Tetra is in Combo mode
Fixed bug: Program changes in multi mode caused bank 1 to be selected
Fixed bug: Voice select NRPN not working correctly in multi mode
Fixed bug: Voice select NRPN was not selecting all voices in combo mode. Now sending '4' to the NRPN selects all voices in combo mode
Fixed bug: Switching multi mode on/off not refreshing the UI on the Tetra
Fixed bug: NRPNs for editing all 4 voices were not handled correctly in multi mode
Fixed bug: Editing the param assigned to the assignable parameter encoders could cause a crash or other unwanted behavior depending on the state of the Tetra
Fixed bug: Could not edit 'Layer B' parameters using the select encoder

Main OS 1.6.2b

Fixed crash when changing global parameter for clock

Main OS 1.6.1b

Main screen now displays 3 digit version number to confirm beta updates were successful. Production releases will revert back to the 2 digit version number
Fixed issue with internal sync, most obvious with drifting LFOs
Volume pot should not update volume correctly irregardless of mode. Switching between program/combo will no longer reset volume multipliers
Name now updated in program mode while using select encoder to edit characters
BPM updates from select encoder now update tempo correctly
Layer A/B changes from an NRPN should now work correctly
Turning multi mode off no longer jumps from global mode back to combo/program mode
Pots now reset correctly when switching between A/B layers
Display now updates from param changes over MIDI in multi mode
Program changes in multi mode now send out program change MIDI messages on the correct channel

Voice OS 1.4.2

Fixed Wave reset for all oscillator/voice combinations

Voice OS 1.4

Added OSC 1 and 2 Wave Reset

Voice OS 1.3

Fixed bug: Distortion on voices 2+4

Ca vaut le coup, non ?
L'édition du mode multi a l'air bien amélioré !! mais peut-être que je comprend de travers (?)

Par contre faut savoir que certains Tetras récents (N° de série entre 1992 et 2138 approximativement) peuvent freezer pendant la mise à jour!

Quelqu'un a essayé ?

[ Dernière édition du message le 01/11/2012 à 22:49:24 ]

Bon ben ça marche !
On peux facilement éditer chaque parties d'un multi prog/combo via la façade ! (et non via l'éditeur soft mais c'est déjà bien). Les changements de programme ont l'air de fonctionner aussi...

[ Dernière édition du message le 02/11/2012 à 01:53:13 ]



Tu peux toujours revenir au Main 1.5 et voice 1.2 qui sont téléchargeables sur le site DSI


Les versions proposées sur le forum sont au stade béta

Bon j'ai des problème pour sauvegarder donc je pense revenir en arrière :((( (en espérant que ça vienne de là)

Une règle de base : Tant que ça fonctionne pas de mise à jour sauf pour corriger des bugs rencontrés !

J'utilise 2 Tetra en Polychain et je n'ai pas de problème particulier sauf quelques bizarreries liées aux éditeurs Pro et VST de Soundtower.