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HyperSynth Xenophone
HyperSynth Xenophone

réactions à la news Hypersynth présente le synthé Xenophone

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  • 40 participants
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Sujet de la discussion Hypersynth présente le synthé Xenophone
Xenophone est un nouveau module de mono-synthé dont le circuit est entièrement analogique et peut être piloté à distance via logiciel.

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Hors sujet :

Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...




Hors sujet :

Putain Walter mais qu'est-ce que le Vietnam vient foutre là-dedans ?

Il passe en mode duophonique:

Citation :
Xenophone is primarily a mono-synth with three oscillators. Now, with a software upgrade, it can be played like a 2-voice paraphonic synth. Oscillator 1 plays the first note and Oscillator 2 and 3 play the second note, while each each oscillator has a dedicated VCA and Amp envelope.

Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...




Y'a quelqu'un qui a cet expandeur?



Ouch !!!
En blanc et mise à jour:


Citation :
"Firmware v2.1 Additions & Fixes:

-Optimized system performance.
-Added option to copy and paste a sequence from one preset to another.
-Added "De-zipper" to remove zipper noise of filter freq knob and modulation wheel.
-Removed: [freq Enc Ratio] in global menu.
-Now semitone knob changes the oscillator pitch smoothly without any stepping.
-Now the OLED display makes less jumps while two knobs are tweaked at the same time.
-Now "Arp latch" can be set in Arp menu using soft knob [e4].
-Increased preciseness of the numbers that are displayed for LFO rates and ENV parameters.
-Fixed Arp pattern reset issue while changing oscillator's transpose and cent.
-Fixed compare button issue that sent out unwanted MIDI messages.
-Fixed FM level issue that displayed wrong value on the screen after being modulated.
-Fixed soft knob [e2] problem that did not transmit after touch message when "Panel TX MIDI= ON".
-Fixed bug that caused knobs send out of range MIDI messages when "Panel TX MIDI= ON".
-Fixed problem in receiving "bank select" followed by "program change" message via MIDI.
-Minor improvements in updating parameters via MIDI.
-Renamed: SEQ-T1/2/3/4 to "SQ-NOTE", "SQ-VEL ", "SQ-AUX1", "SQ-AUX2" in Mod Matrix source list.
Firmware v2.0 Additions & Fixes:
- Added Duophonic mode.
- Now all parameters with dedicated controls (knob/button) respond to soft knobs.
- Now you can fine-tune Filter Frequecny, Env depth and LFO rates using soft knobs.
- Now for all buttons, first click displays parameter's edit-page without changing the value.
- Now LFO rate LEDs fade up/down according to LFO wave.
- Redesigned envelope display format.
- Now envelope page 2 and 3 are merged to show Delay/Hold/Style/Trigger in one page.
- Now SEQ edit-pages memorize the last edit position.
- Now you can navigate to all Arp/Seq edit-pages using [select] button.
- Now external clock does not trigger notes when Arp/Seq set to off.
- Now [preview] buttons do not trigger Amp envelope when "arp span=off" (Start/Stop mode).
- Now OSC3 does not respond to pitch wheel data when keytrk=off.
- Minor improvements in captions and text location on the screen.
- Fixed OSC3 random pitch change when keytrk=off.
- Fixed CV-Out reversed order in global menu (V-Trig/S-Trig).
- Fixed Amp Envelope malfunction in RC style with long attack and release (Trig=Analog1/2).
- Fixed issue in starting point of Amp Envelope release stage.
- Fixed Amp Envelope style problem that could be set to an out of range value after "EXP".
- Fixed Arp pattern reset issue while changing detune and drift parameters.
- Fixed portamento time problem that was not changed during gate-on time.
- Fixed "LFO3 Target" that was displayed wrongly as "LFO2".
- Fixed issue with "Filter Env Depth" and "LFO1/3 Depth" that could not be set to zero in some circumstances.
- Fixed soft knob E4 malfunction in last page of main section.
- Fixed rare bug that caused soft knobs to be temporarily disabled after updating ENV parameters via MIDI.
- Fixed bug in "UI-Fixed Mode" that caused unwanted jump to OSC3 edit page.

Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...




Pas mal en blanc, plutôt classe :bave:

Putain Walter mais qu'est-ce que le Vietnam vient foutre là-dedans ?