réactions à la news Hypersynth présente le synthé Xenophone
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Banshee in Avalon
Administrateur·trice du site
Membre depuis 17 ans
Sujet de la discussion Posté le 23/10/2013 à 15:03:24Hypersynth présente le synthé Xenophone
Xenophone est un nouveau module de mono-synthé dont le circuit est entièrement analogique et peut être piloté à distance via logiciel.
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Drogué·e à l’AFéine
Membre depuis 19 ans
211 Posté le 10/03/2016 à 23:48:49
Hors sujet :saucisses
Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...
Ma vie est un thread...
Membre depuis 19 ans
213 Posté le 10/03/2016 à 23:51:37
Putain Walter mais qu'est-ce que le Vietnam vient foutre là-dedans ?
Drogué·e à l’AFéine
Membre depuis 19 ans
215 Posté le 26/05/2016 à 11:41:48
Il passe en mode duophonique:
Citation :
Xenophone is primarily a mono-synth with three oscillators. Now, with a software upgrade, it can be played like a 2-voice paraphonic synth. Oscillator 1 plays the first note and Oscillator 2 and 3 play the second note, while each each oscillator has a dedicated VCA and Amp envelope.
Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 15 ans
216 Posté le 26/05/2016 à 11:59:45
Y'a quelqu'un qui a cet expandeur?
jojolaricot https://soundcloud.com/toxikalien/track-2
Drogué·e à l’AFéine
Membre depuis 19 ans
217 Posté le 26/05/2016 à 12:13:16
Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...
Drogué·e à l’AFéine
Membre depuis 19 ans
219 Posté le 14/07/2017 à 13:48:50
En blanc et mise à jour:
Citation :
"Firmware v2.1 Additions & Fixes:
-Optimized system performance.
-Added option to copy and paste a sequence from one preset to another.
-Added "De-zipper" to remove zipper noise of filter freq knob and modulation wheel.
-Removed: [freq Enc Ratio] in global menu.
-Now semitone knob changes the oscillator pitch smoothly without any stepping.
-Now the OLED display makes less jumps while two knobs are tweaked at the same time.
-Now "Arp latch" can be set in Arp menu using soft knob [e4].
-Increased preciseness of the numbers that are displayed for LFO rates and ENV parameters.
-Fixed Arp pattern reset issue while changing oscillator's transpose and cent.
-Fixed compare button issue that sent out unwanted MIDI messages.
-Fixed FM level issue that displayed wrong value on the screen after being modulated.
-Fixed soft knob [e2] problem that did not transmit after touch message when "Panel TX MIDI= ON".
-Fixed bug that caused knobs send out of range MIDI messages when "Panel TX MIDI= ON".
-Fixed problem in receiving "bank select" followed by "program change" message via MIDI.
-Minor improvements in updating parameters via MIDI.
-Renamed: SEQ-T1/2/3/4 to "SQ-NOTE", "SQ-VEL ", "SQ-AUX1", "SQ-AUX2" in Mod Matrix source list.
Firmware v2.0 Additions & Fixes:
- Added Duophonic mode.
- Now all parameters with dedicated controls (knob/button) respond to soft knobs.
- Now you can fine-tune Filter Frequecny, Env depth and LFO rates using soft knobs.
- Now for all buttons, first click displays parameter's edit-page without changing the value.
- Now LFO rate LEDs fade up/down according to LFO wave.
- Redesigned envelope display format.
- Now envelope page 2 and 3 are merged to show Delay/Hold/Style/Trigger in one page.
- Now SEQ edit-pages memorize the last edit position.
- Now you can navigate to all Arp/Seq edit-pages using [select] button.
- Now external clock does not trigger notes when Arp/Seq set to off.
- Now [preview] buttons do not trigger Amp envelope when "arp span=off" (Start/Stop mode).
- Now OSC3 does not respond to pitch wheel data when keytrk=off.
- Minor improvements in captions and text location on the screen.
- Fixed OSC3 random pitch change when keytrk=off.
- Fixed CV-Out reversed order in global menu (V-Trig/S-Trig).
- Fixed Amp Envelope malfunction in RC style with long attack and release (Trig=Analog1/2).
- Fixed issue in starting point of Amp Envelope release stage.
- Fixed Amp Envelope style problem that could be set to an out of range value after "EXP".
- Fixed Arp pattern reset issue while changing detune and drift parameters.
- Fixed portamento time problem that was not changed during gate-on time.
- Fixed "LFO3 Target" that was displayed wrongly as "LFO2".
- Fixed issue with "Filter Env Depth" and "LFO1/3 Depth" that could not be set to zero in some circumstances.
- Fixed soft knob E4 malfunction in last page of main section.
- Fixed rare bug that caused soft knobs to be temporarily disabled after updating ENV parameters via MIDI.
- Fixed bug in "UI-Fixed Mode" that caused unwanted jump to OSC3 edit page.
Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...
Ma vie est un thread...
Membre depuis 19 ans
220 Posté le 14/07/2017 à 19:48:36
Pas mal en blanc, plutôt classe
Putain Walter mais qu'est-ce que le Vietnam vient foutre là-dedans ?
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