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plus de midi et un message d'erreur

  • 9 réponses
  • 3 participants
  • 1 177 vues
Sujet de la discussion plus de midi et un message d'erreur
salut tlm,
J'ai un LP qui n'envoie plus ni ne reçoit de midi avec ce message d'erreur:
J'ai tout tenté : -reboot sans cable
-paramêtres d'usine
-dernier os

HELP!!! :((
Réponse très rapide de MOOG:
Citation :
Hi there,

No worries.

Hook it up to your computer via USB, select "Sub Phatty" as the midi out device in the sysex program and send it the file that I've attached to this email.

You'll need a sysex program to send the LP the file. For mac, we suggest "sysex librarian". For PC, we suggest "MIDI OX".

Here are the links to download those programs. Both are free downloads.


If you need further assistance, feel free to get back to me!

le fichier attaché est:LP_USB_v33.hex
No worries....No worries......
J'ai essayé 50 fois d'envoyer ce fichier au LP par midi et par usb(despb via usb) ainsi qu'un fichier trouvé sur le site Moog: Phatty.hex
Midi ox transmet les données mais aucune réaction du LP et tjrs le même message au démarrage et pas de midi.
J'ai pourtant réussi à mettre les presets du tribute edition donc pas de pb avec midi ox

Citation :
Hi Jerome,

Oops.. Midi ox can not send hex files, my bad. I attached the self executing USB loader.

First connect the LP to your computer with the USB cable. Then launch the program I attached. It will ask for the midi device #.

Little Phatty should show up as either device 2 or 3. Type the number corresponding to the LP, press enter and that should do it!


Nick Montoya

Moog Service Dept.
Citation :
Hi there,

It sounds like the USB firmware in the USB board may have become corrupt or that the board has failed.

You can download the newest USB firmware and attempt to install it. It is packaged together with LP Firmware 3.12 download.

If this does not correct the issue there may be a hardware problem with your instrument, and we can go forward from there. If this is the case we will set up an RMA number and repair the unit here in our shop.

Bon ben SAV!
Hello Moog owners,
unfortunately the latest USB firmware download for the LP (USB version 33) has disappeared.
At least I can't access any download link anyomore (and several years have passed since the last post).
Could anybody please provide the related "" archive which was released for Windows once by Moog?
That would be really great, as Moog doesn't seem to care anymore about their customers...
Thanks a lot!
You here?! :)

Je traduis pour les camarades exclusivement francophones.
Le monsieur cherche l'archive contenant la partie "USB" du firmware du Slim Phatty en version 33 pour windows. Le nom de l'archive est "".
Il a cherché partout sur les sites liées à MoogMusic sans succès. Si l'un d'entre la possède ou bien sait où la trouver, à votre bon cœur!
Hi stiiiiiiive,
yeah, you see, I'm still trying anything anywhere to find that Little Phatty USB archive, even though I can't speak French at all! Thanks a lot for translating and your mental support!:bravo:
Fingers crossed mate :)

[ Dernière édition du message le 30/04/2019 à 22:55:37 ]