Exit le Wavescape?
On dirait du design Hartmann, des filtres analogiques, des tables d'ondes!!!
Le petit pupitre à l'air interressant et en même temp proche de l'extension pour clavier CME.?.?.Un micro Q avec port USB???Nouveau Moteur???
Que du classique pour la suite Q, MicroQ déception...
Current mountain [Stromberg is actually the name of the synth, Google translated it is 'current mountain.' 'Whale village' is Waldorf]
Current mountain offers strong oscillators with Wavetables of the inventor of the Wavetablesynthese. Two multi-mode filter for each internal and external source of sound contain the exclusive PPG, comb and cascade filter beside a comprehensive selection of classical filter types. The instrument is up to 100 stimmig polyp-hone and 16-fach multitimbral playable. The entrance is made by an ergonomically optimized operating panel with genuine aluminum automatic controllers (behind-shines). As play assistance serve Mod and Pitchwheels and/or - optionally - a Joystick. Current mountain can be rigged over andockbare high-quality analog modules to an extensive hybrid system. A-filter is a 16-fache analog filter bank. Valve is an adjustable tube module, which can be merged in the signal chain or before the master Out. Current mountain is accommodated in a compact, wertigen full metal housing."
The Synthesizer module Blofeld contains the newest generation that whale village similar to Modeling technology. 3 oscillators, whale village filter technology, universal LFOs and very fast envelopes fulfill professional requirements - at an extremely attractive price. All substantial parameters are on a clear control matrix. A large Paperwhite display serves purposeful navigation by sounds and less common attitudes. Over solid aluminum automatic controller is served. The instrument contains 1,000 sounds fully capable for editing. The connection to the computer takes place over the integrated USB 2 connection. Micro Q sound are loaded and shown without any klangliche restriction. The high-quality full metal housing can be adapted over an adapter to usual 19 the” format."
Je vous invite à venir discuter ce sujet sur le thread du Microwave XT qui rassemblera les différents possésseurs de produits Waldorf.
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