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Yamaha A5000
Yamaha A5000

Sujet Lire librairies yamaha sur un pc

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Sujet de la discussion Lire librairies yamaha sur un pc

Est-ce que quelqu'un sait comment lire les cd professional studio library livrés avec le a5000directement sur un pc. D'avance merci.
Dans quel but?

Les outils existent pour manipuler les données à des fins de sauvegardes (voir les différents liens dans le mailing forum A3000), mais s'il s'agit d'exploiter les samples, il faut les charger dans un logiciel type SoundForge.

Le mode d'emploi en anglais pour faire cela:

Citation :

Hello! I found out something really interesting!!! 
You can read the Samples from the Yamaha Sampling CD's using only a Computer, no axk, and a program which can read raw Samples, such as SoundForge!!!!!
How to do it:
1. insert the CD in your Computer CD drive (IDE or SCSI)
2. start SoundForge (Wavelab doen't work ): )
3. select FILE ->OPEN...
4. go onto CD, go in first maindirectory (Partition),
go into a Folder called Fxxx (Volume),
go into Folder called Smpl (Folder for Samples contained in this Volume)
!!! SELECT filetype: Raw File (*.raw,*.*) !!!
open a File called Fxxx
5. now the interesting & important stuff
Samplerate (you can choose :) )
16-bit PCM (Sampler doesn't support 8 bit, right?)
Stereo / Mono (gotta try it out, depends on sample I guess)
Format: Signed
Byte Order: Big endian (Motarola ->remember, it's a motorola based system?)
Header: Try it out for several samples until you get no header anymore and no zero space
before Sample starts but it should be cut right (only have to find that out once,
then this value will not change!!!)
- must be an even number, odd will shift the format and thereby mess the sample up ->noizee
- set value to 506
->the header is used to tell us Samplerate, Fileinfo, Bitrate...
Tailer: 0
Press OK
6. believe it !
if it sounds funny, try to open it at different samplerate, if it's noisy, switch mono/stereo when opening (sorry, only the raw Sample, no EG, FX..., but still, that gives you access
to all samples on the CD ) So Sound Forge will remember these settings and off you go with processing your favourite Yamaha Sampling CD's in your computer and SMDI them to your Axk, or load them up in your soundcard, sequencer, Fruity, Acid ++++ lots more. This is quite a big step!!!! (I guess you could load up the samples in wavelab by renaming them to *.pcm or *.raw, too) Try it and feel the potential use of it! Enjoy

« What is full of redundancy or formula is predictably boring. What is free of all structure or discipline is randomly boring. In between lies art. » (Wendy Carlos)


Hors sujet : j' :aime: mon a5k...

c grave docteur :mdr: ?