Des samples, des samples, des samples, des samples, des samples
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J veux du sample!
crusty tagaz
Bonne ecoute.
*Kurt Morrison*
Je crois que ce CD c'est juste des drumkits....rien d'extraordinaire
ca a l'air vraiment tres tres bon
voila l'adresse
Citation : The University of Iowa Musical Instrument Samples were created by Lawrence Fritts, Director of the Electronic Music Studios and Associate Professor of Composition at the University of Iowa in 1997.
The instruments were recorded in the Anechoic Chamber in the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center at The University of Iowa on the following equipment:
• Neumann KM 84 Cardioid Condensor Microphone
• Mackie 1402-VLZ Mixer
• Panasonic SV-3800 DAT Recorder
The recordings were digitally transferred to Macintosh Power PC 8500 though a Digidesign Audiomedia III interface (1997-1999) or to a Macintosh G4 through a Digidesign Digi-001 digital interface (2000-present).
The recordings were edited into soundfiles in Digidesign Sound Designer II (1997-1999) or Bias Peak (2000-present) consisting chromatic scales at three non-normalized dynamic levels, pp, mf, ff.
Each note is approximately 2 seconds long and is immediately preceded and followed by ambient silence.
Some instruments are recorded with and without vibrato. String instrument recordings include arco (bowed) and pizzicato (plucked). The only non-anechoic instrument is the piano, which was recorded in a small faculty teaching studio.
All samples are in mono, 16 bit, 44.1 kHz, AIFF format. The exception is the piano, which is recorded in stereo.
The Anechoic Chamber in the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center is housed in a 27,000 cubic foot space (30' x 30' x 30') that is isolated from the rest of the building. The chamber is further isolated within the "vault" in that its contact with the floor, walls, and ceiling is through a series of springs. The 36" baffles which fill the floor, walls, and ceiling contribute to sound absorption properties that extend down to 60 Hz.
Please feel free to use these samples in your research or music projects without restriction. You may also cite as a reference, link to our page from another web page, or provide a link in a publication using the following URL:
Urk Boombleep
Franchement, on dirait trop que c'est des mecs qui ont fait ça à l'arrache, juste pour se faire de la thune genre, les mecs ils ont pris leur Electribe, ils ont enregistré des samples à l'arrache et ils le vendent 40€, pas mal de bénef... Ca vient d'où ce truc ?
Bon en même temps ça se trouve c'est moi qui trippe totalement, je suis plus trop moi-même là tout de suite maintenant, en fait, voilà, bonjoir
En fait je voulais dire, oui, en fait c'est la police d'écriture de machin truc ah oui "EMX1" qui m'a mis dans le doute, on dirait la police de l'affiche de Tron
Boon allez, je m'en vais maintenant, au revoir
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