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Retouch Control Phrase Key Trigged Sequencer
Retouch Control Phrase Key Trigged Sequencer

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Sujet Update pour le Player Phrase Key Trigged Sequencer

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Sujet de la discussion Update pour le Player Phrase Key Trigged Sequencer
Nouveautés et bugs résolus de cette version 1.0.3:

Added: Cmd(Mac)/Ctrl(Win) + click to reset a step parameter
Added: Locrian and Super-Locrian scales
Fixed: device error when controlling the scale parameter from a combinator knob
Fixed: shift up/down commands from the Transpose edit menu now only affects the steps which have transpositions Fixed: "Last" play mode not working as expected when "Note Order" was set to "Note Number"
Fixed: "Scale" and "Key" are now properly labelled when automated in the sequencer