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Ableton Live 6
Ableton Live 6

Séquenceur généraliste de la marque Ableton appartenant à la série Live 6

Des nouvelles du moteur audio pour Live 7

  • 1 réponse
  • 2 participants
  • 581 vues
Sujet de la discussion Des nouvelles du moteur audio pour Live 7
Je viens de tomber sur un thread récent dans les forums Ableton (déjà 20 pages !).
Le thread commence par un type qui dit "J'ai l'impression que Live sonne moins bien que les autres DAW"

Rapidement, Robert Henke himself répond ceci, qui remet les choses à leur place, tout en parlant (si peu) de la prochaine version... :

Hi Krisstoff,
the topic comes up in regular intervalls, and this is why some folks react a bit harsh to it. People here on the forum did a lot of tests and as a result allways came to the conclusion that nothing is wrong with Live. However, as a reaction to those threads we also did internal tests and comparisons between other DAWs and we found out that if you look careful enough you'll find slight differences between the ideal world and reality in pretty much all DAWs, and that Live is not exeptionally bad here. We are talking about distortion or noise as a result of internal rounding errors and things like this in the range of -180dB to maybe -130dB.... I have serious doubt that this is audible unless you do the most most most extreme treatments.

If you really experience audible issues in a specific case, there must be a simple explanation and a solution for it. The notion of "something sounds muddy" unfortunately will not help so much, since if we cannot track it down to a specific problem, we cannot improve things.

Talking about improving: as a result of the tests we did, we could indeed improve some details, and those improvements will be part of the next major update. But
none of those things IMHO has the power to make a track sound more or less muddy, because even the slightest EQing of some fraction of a dB would be a magnitude more significant.

Best, Robert
Merde, le moteur audio existe alors... :8O:

Si on part du principe que les bugs donne de la couleur au son, on a pas finis de voir radiner les concessionnaires de tout poil !!! J'imagine bien le:
"ouuuué moi avec mon cubase, l'erreur de bitstreaming en ligne 87665 sur la rootfile_misc.sync chargé dans l'ultrabuffer en low memory, ca me donne une patate trop bien à 12khz dans les 150db..." :mdr: