Enfin le support des surfaces de controle Faderfox dans Ableton
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Tres bonne nouvelle pour les utilisateurs de Faderfox.
A partir de la derniere beta (Live 6.0.2), il est possible de tirer parti des faderfox sans avoir a utiliser de templates avec Ableton Live.
Citation : According to this post the new update for Live 7 (7.02) will in fact contain
MIDI Surface Controller support for Faderfox LV1, LX1, LV2, LX2, LC2 & LD2!
Et oui, ca s'applique a tous les produits Faderfox, meme ceux de la premiere génération
Je n'ai pas encore eu l'occasion de télécharger cette nouvelle beta, mais j'ai réussi a obtenir plus d'informations a ce sujet grace a Matthias, concepteur des Faderfox. Voici 2 emails (en anglais, désolé, j'ai pas le temps de traduire, mais ce devrait déja vous donner une idée).
En gros le script Faderfox pour Live est bien plus avancé que les scripts d'autres surfaces type M-audio, Akai etc. (a part la Mackie control)
En effet, il ne s'agit pas seulement de controler le volume des pistes et les 8 premiers parametres de chaque effet/rack. Voyez par vous meme.
Citation : > Do you know how the new Faderfox support in the new Ableton
> > Live 7.0.2 beta works?
> > Did you have any say in its implementation at all?
there are implemented my own scripts
> > When I purchased my LV2 and LX2 a few years ago, it said in
> > the manual that "We reckon that in the foreseeable future
> > Ableton will bring out a special driver for micromodul. With
> > this all assignments (according to our sets) will be
> > available without loading a special set."
> > It looks today like something is finally underway, although I
> > would have thought Ableton and Faderfox would have worked
> > hand in hand much earlier to make this happen.
I was waiting a long time to get this thing from ableton.....without
now I have developed my own scripts and these will be part of the next
updates of v 6 & 7.
> >
> > I am wondering what the breakdown of this automap support is
> > and if Ableton takes full advantage of the Faderfox modules'
> > power -For instance, does Ableton send clip on/off feedback
> > messages to the LX2 in order to know what clips are running or not?
> > -Is it now possible to record enable or mute/solo several
> > tracks in Ableton and to see that status on the LX2?
> > -On the LV2, is there a possibility to scroll through tracks
> > like on your original template, but with a Mackie control
> > behaviour so that if you delete track 2 for instance, track 3
> > atutomatically falls into place.
> > (that way you can remove add and reorder tracks and still
> > scroll through your tracks as everything is updated thanks to
> > the Ableton driver)
these scripts are one of the best remote supports
almost all functions on my controllers are supported by the scripts.
Citation : Things can only get better can only get better now I've found support
the support will be described in the LIVE lessons....I hope perfectly.
the support is very similar to my own template files.
for the LX2:
you should use the internaly setup 1 (description in the LX2 manual):
blue1 = 12 first slots of track 1
green1 = 12 first slots of track 2
red1 = 12 first slots of track 3
blue2 = launch/stop of track 1 to 6
green2 = mute/solo of track 1 to 6
red2 = rec of track 1 to 6
blue3 = free 12 buttons for FX or other
green3 = selection of track 1 to 12
red3 = launch of the first 12 scenes
of course you can use one of the setup 2 to 12 to build your own set
and to combine some live assignments with free assignments.
you can also launch the first 12 clips on each of the first 12 tracks by the
reassign any launch-keys in LIVE if you want to use other as the first 12
here are some differences to my templates:
- launch of the first 12 slots in each track by the key group 'slot launch'
on LV2/LC2 (also on LX2)
- launch of the first 12 scenes by the key group 'scene launch' on LV2/LC2
(also on LX2)
- controlling of the parameters in the selected device (the 8
best-of-parameters) by encoders in group FX3/FX4
- stick controls the X/Y area in the selected device (FX1/FX2 group)
- switching between track-view and clip-view by shift + lower
- switching between session-view and arrangement-view by shift + upper
- hide/show of the track/clip-window by pushbutton of encoder C (in main
- no track monitor control
- no control of the loop-start/length and gain in the clip-parameters
- no control of monitor volume & crossfader
(these things are currently not possible in LIVE but will be coming soon)
you should map these things by yourselve on demand.
it's possible to override all automatic mappings.
the scripts handle 12 tracks (LV2/LC2/LX2/LD2) and 16 tracks (LV1/LX1).
and of course all the button-led's works how you expect.
...it's really amazing...
aaaaaah, enfin!!
mais... je suis resté sous live 6, faudra-t-il que je banque à nouveau pour passer sous live 7 pour bénéficier de ça ???
ils sont lourds les relous.
en tout cas j'en connais qui vont être contents, je file sur le forum ableton pour voir ce qu'on en pense ;)
tchuss merci de l'info
j'ai bien peur que ce ne soit que du bluff, ils sont tellement occuppés à débugger live 7
ciao ciao faderfoxmen
Citation : j'ai bien peur que ce ne soit que du bluff
????? Visiblement, tu n'as pas téléchargé la démo du 7.
je parlais de cette info parlant d'une mise à jour de live 6 incluant le support faderfox (vue sur ableton/forums et en haut de ce topic :
Citation : A partir de la derniere beta (Live 6.0.2), il est possible de tirer parti des faderfox sans avoir a utiliser de templates avec Ableton Live
)je sais que depuis le 7.02 c'est ok pour les faderfox,
mais ce que j'attends c'est la nouvelle MAJ de live 6...
mais bon c'est pas grave ça marche déjà pas mal du tout comme ça ;)
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