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Ableton Live Lite 8
Ableton Live Lite 8

Séquenceur généraliste de la marque Ableton appartenant à la série Live 8

authorization live lite multiple?

  • 1 réponse
  • 2 participants
  • 3 774 vues
Sujet de la discussion authorization live lite multiple?
bonjour j ai un portable je me suis connecte a ableton pour la première fois de ce portable, le site a mis l autorisation sur mon ableton lite sur le portable
hors moi mon ordi de travail n est pas connecte a internet et je galère pour avoir une autre autorisation et ensuite la mettre sur cet ordi sans internet
quel solution? c'est mort?
merci a vous
Authorize offline

If the computer on which you've installed Live is not connected to the internet, follow these instructions to authorize:

First, install Live on the computer that you wish to use it on.
When starting Live, you will see an authorization dialog:

Click "No Internet on this computer".
Live will show another dialog:

Write down the hardware code shown in this dialog, as well as your serial number if you have one. You can also save this information as a text file to make it easier to refer to in the following steps.
Take your hardware code (and serial number if you have one) as well as a portable storage device such as a USB key to a computer with an internet connection.
On the internet-connected computer, go to
You will be prompted to log in to your Ableton user account (or create a user account if you don't have one yet).
Once you're logged in, select your Ableton license from the list. If you don't see your product, you can register your serial number at under "Add a serial" and then click "Authorize Live on a different computer."
After selecting the license to authorize, enter your hardware code from Live and click "Download File."
The Ableton server will generate an authorization (.auz) file for you to download.
Click "Download File." The Ableton server will generate an authorization (.auz) file for you.
Save the authorization file to your portable storage device.
Go back to the computer on which you've installed Live.
Double-click the .auz file. Live 8 should open and authorize automatically. (If this does not work, open Live 8 and drag the .auz file onto the authorization dialog).

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