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Akai Professional ASQ-10
Akai Professional ASQ-10

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  • 12 réponses
  • 6 participants
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Citation : Q: How does version 3.10 work in my Akai ASQ10?

A: Version 3.10 software may be installed in the Akai ASQ10 MIDI sequencer, enhancing its sequencing capabilities to that of an updated MPC60. This is because the ASQ10 is internally identical to the MPC60's sequencer section, lacking the MPC60's sound generation, sampling and drum pad functions.

However, version 3.10 is optimized for the MPC60 and will therefore present the following inconveniences to the ASQ10 user:

* The ASQ10's TEMPO button will have the function of the MPC60's TEMPO/SYNC button.
* The ASQ10's SYNC button will have the function of the MPC60's DRUM MIXER button, which is useless on the ASQ10.
* The ASQ10's DRUMS button will have the function of the MPC60's SOUNDS button, which is useless on the ASQ10.
* Various screens will present parameters related to sound generation, sound program disk files, or use of drum pads, all of which are useless on the ASQ10.

Voilà ce qu'on peut trouver sur le site de Roger Linn. Bon alors je connais pas du tout la MPC60, et de facon générale je connais pas trop les MPC. Quelqu'un pourrait préciser l'utilité de ces fonctions? Merci.
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