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Sujet HapaxOS V1.02

  • 6 réponses
  • 2 participants
  • 661 vues
Sujet de la discussion HapaxOS V1.02
Bonjour à tous !

Nouveau firmware 1.02 !
Salut à tous,

Nouveau firmware 1.12 :

New features

14 bit CC pairs are now supported.
ENV FX now has a sidechain parameter
Key tracking modulation source
Velocity modulation source
Velocity modulation destination
FILL modulation source
New MIDI IN settings 'ACTIVE-TR PORT' and 'ACTIVE-TR CH' (allows for routing of messages to the active track regardless of the track's input parameters)
New MIDI IN parameter REC ONLY under 'NOTES', 'CC', 'PITCHBEND' and 'PRESSURE' (do not pass through incoming notes, but allow record, can avoid midi echo)
Instrument definition: Add 'MAXRATE'. This defines the default MAX RATE of all automation lanes for this instrument.
MISC setting: MIDI MONITOR (show all or only selected midi messages)
MISC setting: STEP BACKGR RGB (when in STEP mode POLY, add a colored background on the 128-pads to preview note colors)
Live mode: added JUMP = 12 (in chromatic scale, use the matrix keyboard to play continuous notes with one full octave per row)

Bug fixes

Improved overall stability
Fixed SYNC=PTRN sync issue when TRIG=RESTART
Improved MPE compatibility and stability
PASTE pattern across tracks would not add new lanes to list
CV was left at last value after ENV/LFO fx delete - now reset at 0V
COPY/PASTE an ENV/LFO fx across track could crash
Trackhold + divide pattern did not update pattern length in UI
Instrument Definition parser had a bug with drum lane syntax
Unrestricted number of automation lanes could be abused to crash the unit. Automation lanes are now limited to 64 per track.
Notes spanning multiple pages were not shown on the RGB pads
PC messages weren't always sent through
Assign values were not re-sent when needed. They're now sent at LOAD, un-MUTE, and double STOP
SCALER FX was scaling even in chromatic scale
Output = GATE was not working when NOTE > 120
STEP mode was sometimes misbehaving with some pScales
Crash could occur on project LOAD
Duplicate/Divide pattern shortcut would change page incorrectly - now always goes to last page
Improved USB Host compatibility
Improved encoder acceleration
Playing in live mode with the matrix pads can cause double note triggering
Chord mode could crash in some 'intervals' scales
Song mode would sometimes crash after deleting a section
All fx with synced rates now follow the track elasticity
When using elasticity with run modes and/or loop points, elasticity speed was unstable
REC END was only working when using internal clock
DAC calibration was improved
Automation context menu could display incorrectly
PC popup 'INSTR DEF' category could trigger a crash
Effect scaler was not transposing when scale = pScale = chromatic
With CLOCK SOURCE = USB HOST, displayed BPM was correct, but player was running too fast
Math conditional trig 1ST was not playing the note after a pattern change (when track's TRIG = FREE)
Math conditional trig LS was also processing muted tracks
Triplet rolls were actually dotted sixteenths
Copy/pasting pattern with fx automations across tracks could crash
Hitting redo while undo counters were running could crash
Deleting the current songsection while on PERF, then switching back to PLAY would crash
Math conditional trig FILL was not applied to recorded notes when recording with FILL pressed


Add 0v default value for CV
When saving a project, show a warning if a project already exists by that name
NEW+ project now shows 'BLANK - DEFAULT - CANCEL'
Improved save/load speed
Error messages are now logged on SD card when possible
FX slot number is now shown on fx parameter destinations
When changing a source/destination, popup opens at previous source/destination
Step length that are not multiple of the current zoom are shown with a '+'
Generator algo no longer shows note length in clock ticks, but in steps
New syntax for NRPN in instrument definition: omit MSB or set it to zero, and use LSB to store the full NRPN id. e.g.: '0:1024:7 FOO', and ':2048:7 BAR'
Program change window now shows MSB before LSB
Dramatically shorter loading and saving times
FX Randomizer: random velocity parameters now between 0%...100%
When FILL pad is pressed, recorded events are forced with MATH = FILL
Default track names ('Track n') is updated when shifting track slots
Copy/pasting patterns now shows track name rather than track number

Breaking changes

Un-synced LFOs range mapping has been redesigned. They are no longer BPM-invariant.
Poly aftertouch support is temporarily disabled in this version. It will no longer record nor play. Previous versions supported poly aftertouch very poorly, as such we prefer disabling it for the time being. Adding full support for it is a priority and will come in a future release.
Instrument definitions syntax compliance is now more strict. Non compliant syntax may throw an error.


[ Dernière édition du message le 09/11/2022 à 17:16:18 ]


le firmware 1.14 est sorti. Il apporte de nombreuses corrections de bugs et une optimisation de la stabilité et de la vélocité du système.
Yep, cool cette nouvelle mise à jour, ça stabilise bien le bousin ! :D

Vivement la prochaine qui va enfin apporter de nouvelles fonctionnalités... Miam !
Citation de Paranoiak :
Vivement la prochaine qui va enfin apporter de nouvelles fonctionnalités... Miam !

Oui. Notamment le midi FX delay et autres joyeusetés tant attendues :bave:
L'OS 1.15 est sorti. Il corrige les bugs du 1.14.
Le prochain OS apportera des nouveautés :bravo:
L'OS 1.16 vient de sortir avec au menu une amélioration de la stabilité et de la précision du midi, en entrée et en sortie (DIN et USB) que l'Hapax soit maître ou non.